The Seasons of
Here in Cyber-Church, we try to declare church seasons that make sense in real life. Our church seasons are:
- Fiscal New Year (starts in September when typical churches in the Northern Hemisphere start up Sunday school)
- Christmastime (starts after the last Thursday in November, when the United States has other major holidays out of the way)
- Ordinary Time (starts sometime in January, but here in Cyber-Church we're kind of casual about observing it)
- Lent (starts on Ash Wednesday, just like everywhere else)
- Resurrection Time (starts on Easter, just like everywhere else)
- Summertime (starts in June when typical churches in the Northern Hemisphere stop Sunday school)
A lot of our church seasons follow what children do. Well, that's just like real life, because that's what a lot of real-life churches do. I doubt we'll ever change that, and I'm don't think we ever should, but at least we'll know why we do the rituals we do.
-- Scott Eiler