| Scott got his apartment ready for the party by buying a giant inflatable pumpkin, complete with ghosts. |
 | Scott decorated his office for the party too. |
 | Scott brought the German cuisine for lunch that day: carrots with horseradish sauce. |
 | Scott dressed up as Thunder Bunny. |
 | So did Cheng. |
 | So did Vidya. Boy, it looks like her. |
 | So did Suresh S. |
 | So did Suresh A. |
 | Other people dressed up as Indians. |
 | All the Indians had to stand together. |
 | Thunder Bunny came in late to the costume contest. |
 | He was busy taking pictures at aerobics class. |
 | There was a costume contest there. |
 | The contest had judges and everything. |
 | Scott dressed up as The Colon in the Hat for his after-work party. |
 | Cheng dressed up too. |
 | Mikhail dressed up too. |
 | Suresh A. dressed up too. |
 | Vidya didn't dress up. |
 | But John and Sandy did. |
 | And they brought friends. |
 | Cheng particularly liked Sharan's costume for some reason. |
 | The Colon particularly liked Yelena's. |
 | People played foozball. |
 | People built beer towers when The Colon wasn't looking. |
 | The Colon kept himself busy passing fluids. |
 | Look at all the guests. |
 | People said, best party ever. |
 | Thanks for coming. |