| Lots of people came to see costumes. |
 | Five people wore costumes and competed. |
 | Here we are from front view. |
 | And here we are from the other side. |
 | Some people dressed up but didn't compete. |
 | The Mistress of Ceremonies wore a costume too. |
 | I can't explain this one, but then I wasn't taking the pictures at this point, because I was too busy competing. |
 | We scared small children with our costumes. |
 | Cindi came as a corporate logo. |
 | The MC liked the logo. |
 | Scott's raincoat was funny, but not original. |
 | Someone's Notre Dame outfit was really funny, but still not original. |
 | The logo won the Most Original Costume award. (I think it was fixed.) |
 | Steve looked scary, but he wasn't the scariest. |
 | Scott was scary once he took off his raincoat, so he won the Scariest Costume award. (Steve thinks it was fixed.) |
 | And the audience went wild. |