Beechwood Quarterly Employee Meeting, February 4, 1999 [1] The Present Situation: Two of Pentacles: Harmony in the midst of change. [2] Obstacles: Death (XIII): Stagnation, inertia. [3] Past Influences: King of Wands: Stern, but tolerant and sincere. [4] Future Influences: Eight of Wands: High hopes and swiftly approaching goals promise success. [5] Past Events: King of Swords: Power tainted by cruelty and malicious intentions. [6] Future Events: Ace of Cups: Emotional instability, a false heart. [7] Personality: The Hermit (IX): Withdrawal from responsibility to others. [8] Home, Family, Friends: Eight of Swords: Opposition, struggle, anxiety. [9] Hopes and Fears: Seven of Pentacles: Anxiety over economic status. [10] The Outcome: Ace of Pentacles: The misuse of wealth causes unhappiness and deterioration of character.