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Toejam is a hero (or maybe anti-hero) created by Scott Eiler.
Alter Ego: Unrevealed
Aliases: Agent T
Team Affiliations: The T-Men (2024)
Status: Active
Location: Various Earths of 2024
Favorite Music: Derek and the Dominos
Character Portrait


The man known as "Toejam" has been known in his superhuman identity for decades. He has shunned publicity, yet made friends in the superhuman community. He went drinking with Wyatt Ferguson in 2007.

Near the end of the Superhuman World, he fell in with Total Conversion. He followed them into alliance with the Red Vigil. (to be continued)


Yes. A normal human and pleasant one.

Powers and Abilities

Toejam can split off parts of his toenails, to take on the powers of superhuman golems. At the very least, they all have more than human strength and resilience. The big toes can grow to human size; each toe can grow in proportion. Even the little toes have been shown to win drinking contests. About that, Toejam says, "We can't all be as strong as my little toe."


Toejam himself is an amiable old man. His golems can be quite fearsome, though.


Author's Notes

Well, Toejam's finally made the big time. It's about time.

(signed) Scott Eiler, 22 June 2024.

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