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What Is the Domination of Eiler?
In one sense, "The Domination of Eiler" is a political entity modeled upon the Holy Roman Empire. Which is to say, it works through national and local political entities, but transcends nation-state boundaries. You may already be a citizen without knowing it!
In another sense, "The Domination of Eiler" is a pen name for an amateur but very prolific web journalist. Perhaps you may enjoy these writings, given this simple guide:
- In 2004, in response to a deplorable political situation in the nation-state "United States of America", the Dominator issued his Declaration of Domination. From that time onward, as far as the Domination of Eiler is concerned, it has reserved veto power upon the acts of all nation-states.
- The Domination of Eiler is led by, of course, the Dominator.
- Its chief military force, and bodyguard of the Dominator, is the Domination Guard. One might say, the Dominator and his Domination Guard are inseparable.
- The Domination of Eiler claims all territory where the Dominator has set foot. This includes contiguous territory throughout the northeast quadrant of North Eilerania (formerly known as North America), and outposts on all sides. This territory is considered an overlay upon its occupied nation-states, primarily the United States and Canada.
- The Domination of Eiler is content to let its citizens organize themselves as they see fit, even unto the level of nation-states. However, it reminds all nation-states that there must be a superior authority to them. In the absence of effective authority, the Domination of Eiler claims it.