
DuoPolarity of Boston, N.A.

News Release

DuoPolarity of Boston, N.A. Response Statement

23 October 1995

Background: Earlier today, Attorney General Scott Harshbarger of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts stated that his office would open an investigation into a "smoke signal" which appeared in the skies near Cape Cod this last weekend, in the form of a statement: "The Skies Belong to IIP: DuoPolarity of Boston, N.A.". He stated that charges might possibly be filed, on the basis that the "smoke signal" violates state advertising laws. The following response may be attributed to Ingrid Bodil, vice president and technical director, DuoPolarity of Boston, North America.

"Last Saturday, the 21st of October, at 10:00 AM, the DuoPolarity Companies launched the world's first Single Stage to Orbit spacecraft into Earth orbit. We have named this spacecraft Challenger II.

"Challenger II used patented technology to launch into orbit from an underwater site near Cape Cod. This technology also aids the craft in maneuvering. In the 'smoke signal' the Attorney General refers to, our company symbol 'IIP' was spelled by the exhaust of our craft. The remainder was generated by more patented technology involving bioluminescence. Frankly, we on board the vessel made the signals because were overcome with excitement, which much of the world space exploration community shares.

"DuoPolarity of Boston, N.A. will cooperate fully with any investigation by local, state, federal, or global authorities. But we are confident that no wrongdoing will be shown. Flight plans were duly filed with the FAA for the portions of the flight which passed through United States territorial airspace. And the 'smoke signal' was generated well outside the atmospheric jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."



Media contact:

Wyatt Ferguson
