Body Up! Body Up
Moving people to fitness.


Meet Body Up

Gymnast Mutant Deejay Quest, the Game

Battle for the Bus

The Ultimate Bus

About the Bus

Powered by The FERG

A Prequel
Bus .

Meet Body Up

We have these dancers:

  • Norma. Our founder in 1999, and our leader.
  • Cherell. An original member.
  • Rena. An original member.
  • Margaret. A new member, and assistant leader.
  • Liz. A new member.
  • Tanya. A new member.

But we want you to meet our support staff too. Without them, we wouldn't be on the road.

  • Stephen, a.k.a. "Ellipsis Z", our deejay.
  • Vince, our webmaster. And he helps move the equipment too.
  • Joey, our lead driver. And he helps move the equipment too.
  • Mel, our relief driver. And he helps move the equipment too.

Gymnast Mutant Deejay Quest, the Game

"Body Up" will appear by license in the follow-up to the popular video game, "Gorilla Sheriff Mormon Quest"! The game designer Wyatt Ferguson travelled on our tour bus with us, so he knows what Body Up is like. He had this to say about us:

  • "I don't want this game to be just a Road Warrior brawl. The women of Body Up are skillful, and I've tried to reflect this in the challenges they face."
  • "One of the most interesting things about them, is their customized tour bus. A lot of things will happen there, so I've mapped it."
  • "Their support staff figures heavily in any game about them. Trust me, I know a lot about support staff."

Battle for the Bus

"Body Up" had a real adventure, more scary than any video game, when two escaped convicts hijacked the bus in California! They took our travelling webmaster Vince hostage. But he's okay now! As are we all. Vince has this story to tell about the experience.

  • "I woke up in the middle of the night, with a dream about one of my old rented rooms. I needed to find the paper to write my dreams down, but... Liz is kind of rooming with me, and she was in the way."
  • "While people were sleeping on the bus, it was rolling down the hill. Even if I could keep it under control, there was a wanted man who was there to hijack it. He stopped the bus, and a friend of his came on."
  • "People were awake by then. We have a bus full of lady athletes, a man who can summon toe-golems, and a mutated supergenius. It was hard to convince them not to just overpower things and risk my life, but I told them I could control things. And they trusted me."
  • "I have some power too. I can cast spells, but only on other people. So, I made the hijackers even more paranoid. It wasn't hard."
  • "In the end, the hijackers took me off the bus. The three of us broke a convent window looking for sanctuary, but we ran away. Someone scared us with a story about concrete fish, so we hid on a plane's nose cone. Too bad the plane started moving. We all waved wildly and surrendered. Exciting, but all safe in the end."

Thanks for your story, Vince. And thanks for your cool response under pressure. You probably saved a lot of lives.

The Ultimate Bus

by Wyatt Ferguson

This isn't a story for once. Others have the story. This is designer notes for a game.

Our Heroines are superhuman gymnasts. They're riding a customized double-long bus with a mutant supergenius deejay. And here's what the bus looks like.

(For HTML geeks: The bus diagram was implemented in HTML with cascading style sheets. The number in each square is the style number for that square. You too can tweak those nasty-looking diagrams that come out of web page generators!)

Map of the Bus

About the Bus