Me in Comic Books: Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Keewatin 2004 2005 .

Me in Comic Books

Whatever Happened to the District of Keewatin?

One night at a party, my friend Ginny and I are playing a geographic trivia game which involves getting chits in the right order without knowing what other chits are, and it's hard. My chit is either the Canadian arctic District of Mackenzie or Keewatin, and I have to guess which one.

Personally, I think Ellipsis is awfully good at helping out the downtrodden subject peoples when it's benevolent Western democracies treading on them. He should go try to help the Kurds or the Tibetans sometime. Until he manages something like that, I have to say that for all his power, he's not all that good at freeing people where it really matters. Common soldiers seem to be better at that than he is, and they don't need superpowers for that. Armor and heavy ordnance, surely...

(4 April 2003)

Me in Comic Books: Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Keewatin 2004 2005 .

All characters in this fiction are copyright © 2004 by Eiler Technical Enterprises.