The Powernaut
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Yesterday the Future


Hello, Readers!

What if that Big Thing we've been fighting all these years, found a way to go on into the future? (Why, yes, we can keep Power-Star Comics going even after the war!)

(signed) Scott Eiler, Publisher for Powernaut Comics, 1945.

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What Ever

Bonus Section: 2006 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! For Obvious Reasons...

This series is so important to Powernaut history, its modern editors have picked a modern commentator. For reasons which will become obvious later in this series, I (instead of Steven Oliver Samuels, S.O.S.) will be your commentator.

I will start by saying... Auge von Shaitan is just bad news. Those others with him, he is probably grooming as apprentices. He'll probably infect them with Satan some day. Or maybe their descendants. He plans that far.

Let ME Try

Bonus Section: 2006 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! The Competence of One Well-Placed Grenade

From what I know of Private Danger, I doubt he actually volunteered for this mission. Still, he's surprisingly competent here. I guess after the first time one falls in a pit and loses all one's grenades, one naturally knows not to do that. He's probably carrying his grenades in a grenade belt, like real grenadiers do.

I WAS Still Researching

Wiki! Auge von Shaitan

Li'l Buddy!

I Can Do Guard

Go Out with a Bang, Then

It's Time

Bonus Section: 2006 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! The Real-Life Death of Stephen Oliver Samuels, or S.O.S.

Power Star Comics of 1945 predicted, their favorite boy heroes would die at a ripe old age. That was hardly going out on a limb. But for excitement, they predicted at least one of them would die fighting future Nazis... Hey, World War 2 was great for comics. The comic book companies had some motive to make it go on forever.

This prediction was self-fulfilling in the end. By 2006, our future Earth was actually getting a different reality shift every year. In 2005 we got President Bush II instead of President Rodham. The next year, we actually got Nazis who looked like what Power Star Comics had dreamed of. And Stephen Oliver Samuels actually died fighting them. Hence how I now do the World War 2 commentary in his place.

I don't presume to say that these old stories were real. I see that S.O.S. swore the stories were real. (Hence, how he felt comfortable dying while fighting Nazis in the modern era.) But *I* can only track Powernaut history back to 1968, and even then the record is sketchy. Still...

In 2003, I saw an outbreak of familiar-looking fiction-heroes. That included a Powernaut who looked a *lot* like this. So I'll just say: Every story is real somewhere, and every idea influences something.

You Go Ahead

Bonus Section: 2006 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! Where Are They Now?

As we know, Auge von Shaitan develops plans across generations. This is what I know of him and his old allies this year.

  • The Count of San Giacomo was a Sicilian collaborator. He traveled back to 1935, and promptly increased his influence. His exact fate is unknown. But by 2005, the Counts of San Giacomo had dabbled in superhuman technology so as to shrink a random target for terror purpose. The modern Count's wife betrayed him, though; she has agency as the Countess now.
  • Randall Anvernacht was a Dutch collaborator. He traveled back to 1935. In the 1950s he went back to the Netherlands and had a son, Russell. Russell Anvernacht grew up to oppose the world's superhumans, with wild results. By 2006 he had become "Evil Mayor Anvernacht" in Maquoqeta, Iowa. His father Randall's fate is unknown.
  • Gruppenfuehrer Paul Bradt worked with Germany, because he was a World War One veteran with them in East Africa. He came to America in 1945, as Auge von Shaitan's first sleeper agent. There he took the name "Paul Brady", married a black woman, sired one son Peter, and blended in with American society as much as possible. Peter Brady would grow to become an evil Black Mage. His father Paul's fate is unknown.

Merry Christmas!

Wiki! The Diabolical Devilman


Meanwhile in Siberia

Author's Notes:

It is my tradition to swap the publication of Powernaut series between eras. Recently I have realized there needs to be at least *one* comic strip for 1945. (see, Epilogue) And I've already written the 2006 text story of what happened after the events of my recent Powernaut 2006 comic series. When I realized all its text story stars were from 1945, I realized the world needed this 1945 series. So it got the uplift past 1987 and 2013. And so... Powernaut 2006 Part Two is here, now, yesterday!

World War 2 Fact: Iraq rebelled against the British Empire in 1941. They had their own battle of Fallujah. The Luftwaffe supported the rebellion, with bombing runs from Vichy French Syria. So, this is a "What If" series for something that actually happened in our history.

I wrote the story behind this series in 2006 (hey, it *is* Powernaut 2006), mostly because I had a series of dystopian night-dreams about Axis dominance. I introduced this story as a Powernaut series in 2016, as parts of Europe started to tilt toward xenophobia. Shortly before I published #3 in the series, the United States did also. So I hereby now advise, don't ally yourselves with fascists.

Toward the end, Wyatt Ferguson's commentary was inspired by Drew Perron's concept of "Idolon": a real character with a fictional aspect. Much of the Powernaut's universe considers the Powernaut of 1945 to be fictional. However, the mere idea of his existence shook his universe. So he qualifies as an Idolon.

My commentator mentions the character Peter Brady. I later sacrificed him to other writers. Within a day of their meeting him (at the RACC Con 2012), they had him flayed to death by cats. Good enough.

The epilogue was inspired when my computer audio was playing South Park "Christmastime in Hell" and my video was showing me one of those comics where the Powernaut punches Hitler. That's what made me realize, the world needed Power Stars 1945.

(signed) Scott Eiler, Winter Solstice, 21 December 2016.

Powernaut: Home 1912 1941 1944 1945 (with Stories) 1948 1954 1955 1962 1966 1968 (with Stories) 1969 1976 1979 1984 1985 2005 (with Stories) 2006 (with Stories) 2009 (with Stories) 2011 (with Stories) 2012 .
The Rest of the World: Wiki Home Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The Maker .

The Diabolical Devilman was created by Wil Alambre, and is used by permission. All other characters and all artwork in this fiction are copyright © 2016 by Eiler Technical Enterprises.