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814 East 31st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46279


Patient Name: Wyatt Ferguson Age: 42 Gender: Male
Date of Hospitalization: 04/28/2003 Date of Release: 04/30/2003
Primary Care Psychiatrist: Dr. Dennis Brody

Log Entries:

Date: 04/28/2003

Patient made his own appointment for medical evaluation. This may be viewed as a positive indication that the patient acknowledges his own aberrant mental condition. Unfortunately, this is counterbalanced by numerous negative indications. I participated in the entry interview, and observed the following:

  1. Patient claims to have been persecuted by popular public figures.
  2. Patient claims that magic powers really exist.
  3. Patient claims to have travelled through time.
  4. Patient claims to have visited an alternate reality.

When I pointed out the patent absurdness of these claims taken together, patient became confrontational. Under the circumstances, I felt it best to have him restrained by the orderlies. Patient was assigned safe quarters in one of the White Rooms.

Date: 04/29/2003

Following consultation with Dr. Rebecca Cobham, we engaged in detail interview with the patient. Dr. Cobham asked the questions in a manner calculated to defuse the patient's confrontational mindset, while I observed from behind one-way mirrors.

Patient continued to show evidence of a massive power fantasy and persecution complex, combined with outright denial of reality. The details of the patient's claims are as follows.

  1. Patient claims that an employee of the Total Conversion Foundation, under direction from the Foundation co-director Stephen Wolcott, challenged him to a sort of "vision quest", in which the patient would travel through time and space, and serve in various armies in various military roles. Stated purpose of this quest was to discover "how to be a defender". This obviously shows the patient is sublimating his desire for purpose in his life.
    1. Patient claims to have attracted the enmity of the Foundation at a party held in a Chicago marina by the Nevada Power and Light All-Girl Racing Team *. It has been verified that such a party occurred and that both the patient and Mr. Wolcott were at attendance, but a Foundation spokesperson denies any interaction between the two.
    2. Patient claims that he "thought loudly" about the role of Ellipsis in recent political machinations in Canada, in a derogatory manner *. He considers this to have been enough to attract the Foundation's enmity. Patient is obviously buying into the public paranoia which believes in and fears the existence of superhuman "mental powers". Unfortunately, the political climate of a previous Republican administration seems to have enhanced this paranoia; one can only hope that President Rodham's endorsement of a nationwide mental health program will bring about a change to this public attitude.
    3. Patient claims that the Total Conversion employee who offered him the challenge, is a mage named "Arcane", a rival of his. Besides the obvious absurdity of a scientific foundation hiring a mage, the Total Conversion Foundation denies any current affiliation with any employee code-named "Arcane".
    4. Patient claims that the vehicle of his purported time-space travel is a device called the Siege Perilous, and claims to have been exposed to this device before *.
  2. Patient claims to have first travelled to serve in the Union Army in front of Petersburg, Virginia in 1864. He also claims to have met his grandfather in the army there. His insistence of his grandfather being alive and of military age over 135 years ago defies reality *.
    1. Patient says his grandfather wanted to enlist barmaids in the army, because barmaids are tough. He obviously has a secret desire for a strong mother figure. Note: ask patient about his family history in next session.
    2. Patient also invented elaborate fanciful details about his companions during the siege, such as a mariner from India who'd fought the British in a mutiny there.
    3. Patient also invented rumors that he says he heard during the siege, such as:
      1. The Confederate General Robert E. Lee would go out in person to meet with and distract General Ulysses S. Grant, while the Confederate army would slip out of town to march on Washington.
      2. The Union government would exile the Confederate leaders to Delaware where slavery was still technically legal at the time, as part of a peace settlement.
      Aside from the Indian mutiny which is well-documented, none of these fanciful creations seem to have any basis in history.
  3. Patient claims to have transitioned (via unknown means related to the Siege Perilous) from the siege of Petersburg to duty with the French army in Quebec in 1759. His mental state is obviously unstable enough to engage in massive leaps of dream logic.
    1. In Quebec, the patient claims to have defended the largest chateau in town from English intruders. His adventure fantasies obviously have no relation to recorded history, because records show the fate of Quebec was decided on a battlefield outside the town, with no conflict within the town.
  4. Patient claims to have transitioned again, back to the present day but to an alternate universe populated by fictional superheroes - except most of these had been executed. A superheroine named the Black Canary survived and assumed control of a super-Cyborg of some sort. According to the patient's story, the Cyborg had killed fully 5% of the population of the United States of America, and lain waste to 20% of the country's industrial capacity.
    1. The patient claims to have wielded superhuman power to defeat the super-Cyborg in one conflict. The power he wielded, was telekinetic control of duct tape, similar to the control that the fictional hero "The Tape" wields in his own adventures *. Patient obviously has a streak of silliness as a component of his adolescent power fantasies.
    2. The patient claims then to have made contact with United States paramilitary forces, which looked to him as a sort of savior after his victory. Patient obviously has a strong desire for public acclaim as validation for his own past actions, for which he subconsiously refuses to take responsibility.
    3. Patient's story ends with another confrontation between himself and the super-Cyborg. The Cyborg was holding an entire city as hostages, and the patient had to make the decision to destroy the hostages and the Cyborg together. As stated above, this patient obviously has issues with taking responsibility for his own past actions, and is sublimating his issues into his fantasy life.

Pop Psychologist Syndrome
An Alternative Approach to Mental Health

After the interview, patient was returned to his White Room. I took that opportunity to browse the patient's online diaries *. These have materially helped me in forming a diagnosis of the patient. Aside from issues mentioned above, my diagnosis identifies the following mental abnormalities.

  1. Tendency toward excess in otherwise reasonable behaviors.
  2. Pathetic need for self-validation.
  3. Desire to run away from his problems instead of resolving them.
  4. Aversion to managerial responsibility within a hierarchical framework.
  5. Abnormal hatred of children, even when not hierarchically responsible for them.
  6. Emotionally stunted state, for which he compensates by trivializing the concerns of others.
  7. Hyperactive fantasy life, which he envisions as a secret level of reality.

These abnormalities manifest themselves within a manic-depressive cycle which ranges from megalomania to near-autism. The patient is in a depressive stage now, but his journals indicate several manic stages in the past *.

Many of these issues contribute to the patient's lack of a meaningful family life *. Given the issues in toto, the patient can not be considered socially functional.

Administrative staff here has had no success in finding relatives to take responsibility for the patient. The patient has refused to provide contact information for relatives, or otherwise cooperate with the staff. The only contact number he has provided, is for the famous boxer Lucianus Autonomus *, and it does not seem likely that this is a legitimate contact. Unless a responsible party comes forward, I anticipate a lengthy analysis period.

Date: 04/30/2003

Dr. Cobham and I had scheduled another interview with the patient, this time on the subject of his family. According to his own Web pages, the patient has several family issues, deserving of massive further investigation *.

Unfortunately, a responsible party stepped forth for the patient: one Ms. Virginia Gill, representing Lucianus Autonomus. When Ms. Gill was questioned, she stated that Mr. Autonomus supports the rehabilitation of the reality-challenged, especially among his fans.

I attempted to remind Ms. Gill of the dangers of interrupting therapy in mid-course. However, she was insistent. I then attempted to find justification for retaining the patient until he consented to contact his next of kin, who could best help him resolve his family issues. Unfortunately, my supervisor chose to interpret our facility's contact policy loosely, so as to interrupt our course of treatment.

The patient was therefore remanded into Ms. Gill's care. Even if he should somehow transition into another competent treatment facility, I fear for his future.


Patient has numerous published Web pages on record, stored at a very minor Web services provider named "". Most of the patient's Web pages consist of fantasy stories, into which he has inserted himself as the main character. This is a sign of "Mary Sue Syndrome", a clinical condition in which the subject not only imagines himself or herself as having a fantastic life, the subject becomes the focus of all attention from the other characters.

The list of the patient's publications is too prolific to include in its entirety, but the most relevant ones are referred here.

  1. Patient keeps an ongoing diary of his fantasy life. Entries date back to 1988, with systematic entries beginning in 1999. There are abundant outrageous fantasy elements in this journal, such as the Norse god Odin doing the patient's laundry. However, the journal integrates with some elements of reality, such as the recent declaration of independence of the Canadian arctic district of Keewatin, and the patient's employment for Nevada Power & Light, which has been verified.
  2. One of the patient's earliest journal entries claims him to have been embroiled in a fantasy conflict among comic book villains, in which the Siege Perilous from Arthurian legend appears as a plot device more suitable for juvenile fiction.
  3. More recent journal entries illustrate the patient transitioning from depressive to manic phase. This entry documents how his mania resulted in last year's Silly Days Parades. In my opinion, these parades were a particularly deplorable attempt to trivialize an American memorial occasion.
  4. Patient describes his interactions with each of his relatives, in a manner highly interlaced with outrageous fantasy. For instance, the patient claims that males of his bloodline (including himself, his father and grandfather) are effectively immortal, but the females (particulary his mother) die normally and haunt him as ghosts. Space constraints prevent me from making appropriate comments here, except to say that the psychiatric issues in this citation alone deserve their own case study.
  5. Patient at the start of his systematic journalling is familiar with the exploits of "The Tape", a fictional hero, and has incorporated these exploits into his own twisted view of reality.
  6. Patient has participated in an electronic mailing list pertaining to the famous boxer Lucianus Autonomus.

My Life in Comic Books

Sanitarium (Welcome Home)

Me in Comic Books:
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