Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2008 February Blog (#13)It's not a full-fledged operation, but it's still a big month.February 2008Previous: January 2008 - November 2007 October - September 2007 August - July 2007 June - April 2007 March - February 2007 January 2007 - December 2006 November - September 2006 August - June 2006 May - April 2006 March 2006 - October 2005 September - June 2005 May - February 2005In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided. |
25 February 2008 |
When Poorness Spreads Some people say the future will be utopia. Let's plan otherwise. |
At least one web logger (Scott Adams, creator of "Dilbert") says the world keeps getting better and better. Once the next good fuel source comes along and computers can be manufactured for $1, everyone will be happy. At least one documentary ("Six Degrees Can Change the World") says if those things don't come true, society as we know it is pretty much doomed. The answer is almost certainly somewhere in between. If history teaches anything, it's that the rich will do well and the poor will suffer more. But the suffering of the poor is already making rich people less rich, as witness the mortgage-related decline of the worldwide stock markets. Assuming the world doesn't get better for everyone and poorness continues to spread, here are some guidelines for the world that's coming.
There will certainly be other culture shocks. But these are the ones which the Domination of Eiler is proud to say, it's actually done "proof of concept" on. Not that the Domination is poor; it's just staying in shape for when poorness spreads. |
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23 February 2008 |
Churches and Pubs ... are more interconnected than either one cares to admit. |
There's a kind of place where all kinds of people gather in fellowship to commune together. And then there's church. The other kind of place would be a bar. Of course, the Domination of Eiler knows about both these places.
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16 February 2008 | ||||
Pop Psychologist Syndrome Pop icons, mental health, and commentators collide. Plus, what is "mental health"? Featuring the Dominator's Li'l Pals, Dufus and Dom! | ||||
As often happens, the Dominator recently restocked his print library from a thrift store. For $0.25 USD, a book "The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Have Never Grown Up" was obtained. The Dominator is proud of having a physical age of 46 but a mental age of 18, so this book was therefore of interest. It was shortly discovered, the author of "The Peter Pan Syndrome" was in the business of behavior modification. That is to say, he was a psychiatrist. He'd accepted contracts from annoyed wives and mothers, to recommend ways to make men grow up. The Domination of Eiler promptly declared on a mailing list its intent to ridicule this author in this particular blog entry. Responses ranged from "Yeah, let's recommend ways to make this guy eat $#!+ and die", to "What's this guy say about making my 45-year-old brother move out of my mother's basement?" It's become obvious, there is some public demand for making men grow up, just like for mental health in general. But what is "mental health"? And who can judge it?
It is universally agreed, "mental health" is defined as "the state of mind which best contributes to ____". Of course, there is great debate as to how to fill in the blank.
Given these multiple definitions of "mental health", it may be best for the public to say: "Mental health" is whatever state of mind one is willing to have another person induce in oneself or in a third party. Here enter psychologists: those who theorize about mental health.
Here enter "pop" psychologists: those who feel the need to lump certain categories of behavior together as "syndromes", and compare them to easily recognized popular figures such as Peter Pan. There are many more "pop psychologists" than one might think, especially when one starts counting every commentator who liken their opponents to Adolf Hitler. Of course, such commentators are too numerous to count, and unworthy to mention by name. They are often untrained psychologists, but they are still psychologists. Here enters the Pop Psychologist Syndrome. In the opinion of the Domination of Eiler, this state of mind is much more widespread than the Peter Pan Syndrome which one Pop Psychologist mentioned. Here, of course, enters the Domination of Eiler. Now that it is informed about what Pop Psychologists probably think of the Dominator's mental state, it's making for an increasingly good Pop Psychologist point of view in one of the old fiction-blog stories. | ||||
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15 February 2008 | ||
Eat Snow The Domination of Eiler has discovered a fabulous new diet food that actually burns calories. | ||
This winter is unlike any other in Domination of Eiler history - and most of its prehistory, for that matter. This year, the Dominator is a responsible landholder in a northern U.S. city. So, the Domination Guard has to go out and shovel snow. On one such mission, the Domination Guard trooper got thirsty. The trooper was outside, the snow was outside, and the not-unleaded tap water of Lansing-Michigan was inside. Under the circumstances, snow was the beverage of choice. And it was tasty. So much so, the troops went outside later for some more fistfuls of snow. This has become a habit. As such, the Domination of Eiler now has some recommendations for eating snow.
This year, snow is plentiful enough to have other uses. In particular, the Domination of Eiler is showing its environmental commitment and its emotional maturity by shoving some big chunks of snow in the toilet so as to be roughly the shape of Greenland, and then instead of flushing the toilet, spending the night playing its new game "Melt the Icecap". | ||
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8 February 2008 | ||
South Haven-Michigan A longstanding target finally submits - but it's the coastal town they forgot to shut down. | ||
Chicago vacation finished not quite as expected. During the big snowstorm, trains were running nicely, but cars mostly sucked, and targets throughout the town were shutting down early. Mission into Chicago was therefore aborted. Instead, highlight of the day was sorting out the EilerDepot warehouse some more. Just like a real day in the Happy Land of Eiler. Palatine-Illinois is mostly congenial and functional for a Domination of Eiler vacation. But it has no tourist attractions, and the neighborhood kids have been sneaking in to the hotel stairwell to smoke marijuana again. It's time for a more restful venue, even if it might cost double or triple what Motel 6 of Palatine does. South Haven-Michigan has been selected as primary target for the actual vacation part of this vacation. Despite opposition from traffic backups at all the eastern egresses from Hellroad I-80/94, South Haven is now occupied.
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5 February 2008 |
Super Fat Tuesday It's voting day and Amateur Drunk Night again. And still vacation. |
Vacation is going well. It rained yesterday, but the Dominator still went to get a haircut and a massage, then sucked the meat off a rabbit's spine. Even the third most Fancy Place in Palatine-Illinois has rabbit stew! And Palatine isn't even the most yuppified town around here. With the help of masseuses, rabbit stew, and a big pile of comic books, one can relax in suburban Chicago as well as most anywhere. Today, vacation gets more complicated. Today is Fat Tuesday, which is to say, Amateur Drunk Night for the second time in three days. Ho hum, time to dodge the amateur drunks again. Also today, the business of world domination calls, by way of the political process of "United States" presidential elections. Today is Super Tuesday, the day when more than twenty of fifty states have presidential primaries. It is rumored that State-of-Illinois citizens may vote in absentia via the Web. But today, the Dominator votes in person.
For today, mission is accomplished. By bicycle, even.
Celebrated the mission completion with a dish of crawfish etouffe. It's a bit early for Amateur Drunk Night, but it is still Super Fat Tuesday.
The rest of today holds some marshalling of resources at the EilerDepot warehouse base, maybe another trip to the charity thrift store, maybe a nap, and probably an evening outing at a newly-discovered Palatine neighborhood bar where Fat Tuesday is just another drinking day. Tomorrow, maybe take the train downtown and visit the Historical Society, the first target in most towns but the only target left in Chicago, aside from the Blue Man Group which just might submit also. It'll be snowing, but trains and Chicagoans usually don't mind. God Bless America and All Hail the Domination! |
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3 February 2008 | ||
Meet the Episcopal Deputy Pope Despite some hitches, a high-level meeting succeeds. | ||
The Domination of Eiler's religious allies in Elk Grove-Illinois have arranged a visit from their Penultimate Leader: the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the United States Episcopal Church. Their ultimate leader is the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, but for historical reasons the Anglican faithful in the United States don't pay much attention to English authority. As one might imagine, this visit is an occasion of great joy for this church. The Domination of Eiler shared in it.
If the Domination of Eiler's three most recent sponsored churches were put on an island together, two of them would refight the English Civil War and the third one would emigrate. In the Domination's religious practice, though, cooperation is more important than dogmatic wars. The Dominator has some issues with Episcopalian beliefs and ritual, but he has no issue with helping his friends celebrate a special occasion. Afterward, Sunday dinner at Palatine brewpub. Forces made it there on bicycle, which is probably the only use the bike will get this week due to weather conditions. Some of the locals even recognized the Dominator (or at least his little computer). Goal for the rest of the day is to take a nap, then observe the Super Bowl in controlled doses, supplemented by a month's worth of comic books. This being Amateur Drunk Night, the amateur drunks can have the bars. | ||
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2 February 2008 |
State Visit The Dominator visits metro Chicago and mingles with his people, more than most dignitaries do. |
Now that the Dominaton's mercenary cyber-peacekeeping mission is getting extended beyond one year (and they're still saying "Don't make withdrawal plans yet"), the Domination of Eiler is taking its down time in no less than one-week increments. And it's all going toward the business of world domination, which has waited too long already. In this coming week, the Dominator will meet with the head of the Episcopal Church, then subtly influence the political process of "United States" presidential elections, from his EilerBase in one of the candidates' home states. Unfortunately, the price of this political maneuvering is a trip to metro Chicago in February. Fortunately, the general public is not travelling likewise. Sometimes the counter-intuitive vacations work out the best.
Aside from the snowstorm aftereffects and the unusually sucky Chicago radio, highway travel was extraordinarily easy. Off highway, unfortunately, Chicago is still Chicago and not conducive to movement. Fortunately, the whole day has been allocated to move through the area. And for once, to shop. Computer store, comic book store, used CD store, gas station, mailbox, storage warehouse, thrift store, bike shop, hotel: nine targets each submitted in turn. The rest of the day is for lunch and/or dinner, then hibernation. The meeting with Episcopalians is tomorrow, and they keep early hours.
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