Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2008 Spring Blog (#14)May - March 2008Previous: February 2008 January 2008 - November 2007 October - September 2007 August - July 2007 June - April 2007 March - February 2007 January 2007 - December 2006 November - September 2006 August - June 2006 May - April 2006 March 2006 - October 2005 September - June 2005 May - February 2005In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided. |
25 May 2008 |
The Day of Glory 2008 Technology preparation for the next life change. |
In the Domination of Eiler, today is another double holiday: Race Day and the Day of Glory. Race Day is being observed at the metro-area brewpub, where the Dominator proved he can lip-read the traditional Indy 500 phrase, "Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines". The Day of Glory has a more elaborate ritual than Race Day, at least among the Domination of Eiler leadership. Traditional observance is to embark upon a major life change.
This year, nothing so elaborate is planned for the Day of Glory. But it's never too early to think about the next drastic life change. When it comes, that change will require two things to support it:
The automotive companies of North Eilerania are just now starting to realize they can't sell trucks to the consumer market when gas is $4 USD a gallon. It may take another year for them to get more serious about sensible motor vehicles. So, this year's drastic life change is best served by the computer industry. The Domination of Eiler has finally acquired a mobile computer which runs Windows XP. That computer plus a mouse, keyboard, and disk drive do fit in a toolbelt.
On the way back to the Great Hall of Eiler, discovered that today is yet a third Domination of Eiler holiday: Militia Day (well after usual this year), wherein the Domination's loyal citizens come out for obstacle training on the bicycle trails. Today this training was as intense as anything on the trails near Chicago.
Holiday observance continues at the Great Hall of Eiler, with the Indy 500 and then the Charlotte 600 on TV, with closed-captioning so as not to interrupt good music from the commercial-free campus radio. No obligations tomorrow; no limits tonight. Maybe finish setting up the new computer. |
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12 May 2008 |
Eat Chili The Dominator is auditioning for a job as a celebrity chili judge. He's certainly qualified. |
Every summer in Lansing-Michigan, the local power company sponsors a chili contest, and opens the judging to selected members of the public. There are many reasons the Domination of Eiler should take over the chili-judging job.
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11 May 2008 |
Eat Dandelions Given some disruptions in the food supply, it's good to have another source of nutrition. |
Corn fields and rice paddies throughout the world are being given over to ethanol production - for motor cars. Meanwhile, agricultural practices are being called into question, because spinach is being contaminated with fertilizer, and cows have been filmed not being happy while going into slaughterhouses. The food shortages have started. In times of old, the poor folk would go out to harvest dandelion greens. These are still available in abundance, in the Dominator's personal (ahem) "herb garden" plus everywhere else in Lansing-Michigan. And according to nutritional guides, they actually have some protein, fat, and carbohydrate content. Plus fiber, iron, and lots of Vitamin A. Recipes so far:
The Dominator is closely monitoring the world economic situation. He'll know the next Great Depression is here, when the people of Lansing-Michigan start harvesting the dandelions. |
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4 May 2008 |
The Millionaire's Guide If the Domination of Eiler can advise poor people, it owes rich people some advice too... though it needs some professional help for that. |
The exact financial status of the Domination of Eiler is, of course, classified. But given current economic volatility, the Dominator is in training to live any kind of lifestyle necessary to continue the Domination of Eiler. The "poorness" lifestyle gets the most active training, but the "richness" lifestyle also deserves some attention. Besides, the Dominator will always comment on any lifestyle his citizens care to affect. And he's now ready to share how closely he fits the millionaire lifestyle. A magazine of the "IDEA" fitness association recently saw fit to share the habits of millionaires. (Source credited: Stanley and Danko 1998.) According to them, millionaires:
If this study is to be believed, it takes more than a million dollars to have a millionaire lifestyle. The famous millionaires one hears about on the news, don't have the lifestyle and are likely to lose their millions. Those of the Domination's citizens who actually want to keep their money, are apparently closer to the millionaire lifestyle than some millionaires are. |
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3 May 2008 | ||
Tres de Mayo Observance, 2008 It's a double holiday when the Dominator's ceremonial birthday coincides with Free Comic Book Day. | ||
This year's Tres de Mayo observance lends itself nicely to a three-day weekend.
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19 April 2008 | ||
Domination of Minor League Baseball In a minor league town, it's finally time to see some minor league sports. | ||
The ongoing Domination of Eiler peacekeeping mission in Lansing-Michigan is going on so long, it allows for two baseball seasons. The Dominator missed out on the last one. It's time to catch up. The Dominator actually prefers minor league baseball to majors, because the minors care more about their fans. He feels that way about cities too. Lansing-Michigan is a minor-league city, and that's a good thing. The baseball team which dominates here is the Lansing Lugnuts, minor league affiliates of Toronto. Their enemies the Kane County Cougars are visiting from Elgin, Core Territory of Illinois, Domination of Eiler. This game is like the Domination Classic. And it's a convenient Saturday afternoon game. And it's Play Pants Day, the Domination of Eiler holiday which is the first day of wearing shorts.
The operation was bicycle-based, and therefore used an all-digital soundtrack. The Conquering Car is still stuck with an old tape deck. After 20 years, the tapes are getting kind of boring.
Down time in South Lansing at the Cadillac Club, unfortunately with an Elvis impersonator. At least he was Fat Elvis, the most realistic kind. But next weekend, there's a comedy show of Lansing's funniest women, including one City Council member who shows up at neighborhood meetings. Bought a ticket for that. | ||
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16 March 2008 |
Occupation Bulletin, Lansing-Michigan One more Michgan winter was conquered than was ever intended. |
A few updates are in order.
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