Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2008 Summer Fun Blog (#15)September - June 2008In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided. |
20 September 2008 |
When It All Comes Down Would we rather survive the injury, or vote for the ambulance driver? |
The European colonies in the continent of North Eilerania (commonly known as North America) were founded by an oddball combination of refugees and crown corporations. The refugees were fleeing overpopulation and resultant war in Europe. The corporations were looking for more resources to sell to the increasing population of Europe. That is to say, overpopulation was a problem even four centuries ago. The problem today is, we have no more continents to hold the population. The root cause of most political issues of the present day is overpopulation.
Arguing over anything other than the root cause (that is to say, overpopulation) is like holding an election to pick your ambulance driver. Unfortunately, the epidemic of overpopulation also magnifies the issues. Analysts are still assuming that human government can fix all issues. ( So far the Govs are still keeping the lid on, though the latest stock market crisis will cost $10-to-the-power-12 to fix.) But even if that's true today, it will be false someday if overpopulation persists. If overpopulation is not considered to be the issue, human government will fail, and there will be tribulation on a Biblical scale, up to and including a die-off. Unfortunately, those who produce more people are the most powerful political lobby in the history of humankind. And those who don't, are still voting for ambulance driver. Therefore, it's time for the Domination of Eiler to start planning for the failure of human government. It's already considered the scenarios that lead to this. But the most concerning question is, where should the Dominator be evacuated to?
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23 August 2008 |
Defection A bidding war for Domination support, leading to a change of allegiance - however brief. Plus, this year's emergency training. |
As often happens during the summer, the weekend is full of outdoor festivals. Two are of particular interest.
As often happens during CPR training, it wasn't certain where exactly the training was.
The Domination of Eiler has much experience in CPR training: once every two years (as witness two years ago). But it's different when an emergency professional with decades of experience does the training. For one thing, he'll ask what you'd do if you found two people down (as emergency professionals often find), or if someone shoves a Do Not Resuscitate order at you. For another, he'll keep it simple. Bottom line: When in doubt, do something because it's better than nothing.
Of course, today being Saturday, recreation was involved.
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10 August 2008 | |
The Bestest The Dominator may be delusional about his significance, but not nearly at the level of fictional heroics. | |
Recently in the Domination of Eiler reading list, there have been a lot of heroes and heroines who aren't just heroic, they're impossibly good and important. They (1) travel the world and find vodka to drink during the siege of Leningrad, or (2) their unexplained mental powers spark a war between Venus and the Galaxy, or (3) they do higher mathematics to find the proper combination to unlock themselves from a torture device with their toes, then drink wine and don't have to pee for hours afterward, or (4) they land an overloaded cargo plane full of child refugees blindfolded on a field of stones during a nuclear blast. Really. The Domination of Eiler can't make this stuff up, because it has limits to its silliness. This is not just a modern phenomenon, nor even confined to the written word. It goes without saying, several comic book heroes are the best there is at what they do. Some of the pulp heroes were even better, to the point where (5) alien species would acclaim them and their friends as the peak of bodily perfection. Or in other words, the Bestest. Of course the Domination of Eiler has its own fictional heroes. This year, the leading ones form a trinity of Protagonist, Protege, and Rival. They're good, and they do go drink vodka wherever they want. (Or at least the one who knows the Russians does.) But most of the characters find them annoying. Nobody's fighting a war to possess their power (yet), and even in a Superhuman World they are not so super as to be the Bestest. Now, is this lazy writing on the Domination's part? The Dominator prefers to say, his writing has evolved past the need for easily identified heroes who are the Bestest. | |
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9 August 2008 |
The Future Ceremony of Dominance If Olympic host nations can have bragging rights, so can the Domination of Eiler. |
This week in a comic book (called "Trinity"), the DC universe put forth the principle that a multiverse can be founded on a single universe like a lynchpin. Likewise, a universe can be built around the Earth, and the Earth can figuratively rotate around three people (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, of course). The real world, of course, secretly rotates around the Dominator. This week in the real world, there were opening ceremonies in China for the Olympic Games. This, of course, was a chance for China to brag about the things it's given the world, like calligraphy, fireworks, and synchronized drumming. Surely the Domination of Eiler needs to be ready for a similar exercise in public spectacle, when the day of its formal power comes. When that spectacle happens as it inevitably will, the Domination will be able to truthfully say it gave the world these things:
When the day comes, the Domination of Eiler may need help in designing the ceremony. But the theme is ready. All Hail the Domination! |
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20 July 2008 |
Central Michigan by Train Return trip of the bus tour. |
Having stayed in mid-price downtown Kalamazoo hotel (same as on bike tour), got a traditional make-your-own-waffle breakfast. Having arrived the night before and reconnoitered, easily found the local gym in basement of local Fancy Hotel. Having arrived by bus, parking was no problem (but it is free in public lots on Sunday, as discovered from walking around). Fitness instructor is a certified Master (Mistress) Trainer and got class done two hours early. Truly a professional. This left three hours for grilled sandwich and 20-ounce curl exercises at Bell's Brewery Eccentric Cafe.
As regards the train...
Mission requires only a taxicab five miles from inconvenient East Lansing terminal. Success is assured. But this leads to a mission assessment...
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19 July 2008 |
Central Michigan by Bus Retracing the recent bike tour. |
To teach group fitness classes, the Domination Guard engineering force has to take continuing-education classes occasionally. A halfway convenient one has been arranged in Kalamazoo-Michigan. This is close enough to Lansing that the Dominator can ride his bike there - although that takes three days. A car would take 90 minutes, but not be nearly as fun or Earth-friendly. Perhaps some intermediate option exists. Toward that end, motorbus transit has been arranged from Lansing to Kalamazoo, and train transit back. Trains are more comfortable, but buses run more often. Each shall get its chance to serve. So today it was discovered about buses of the present day:
It's become late, so dinner and straight to bed tonight. Tomorrow's a big day. |
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5 July 2008 |
Tipping Point When the next Great Depression comes, how will we know that it's started? |
Being a responsible imperial entity, the Domination of Eiler pays close attention to the world economic situation. It has therefore become apparent that humanity's world-system is falling apart. The only question is, how bad will it get?
Indeed, it's hard to think of anything that could go wrong which hasn't. The scary thing is, it's beginning to interrelate. Now that motor vehicles are being powered by ethanol and biofuels, the fuel shortages and the food shortages are interchangeable. But floods and lack of good food inspections are contributing to food shortages too. Still, for now the lid is on.
The main differences between now and the last Great Depression are (1) more people, and (2) nuclear weapons. That is to say, we're not as far along yet, but we're in the same sort of cycle, and the stakes are much higher. In the opinion of the Domination of Eiler, the current world situation probably won't be the end of humanity, but it will lead to tribulation on a Biblical scale. The tipping point will be some sort of domino effect, like...
... Or something. It's not obvious what to do about this. But traditional stereotypes of survivalism will fall apart, because the survivalist ranch compound will be consumed by wildfires at about the same time the crops fail. Experts say, the survivalist of the future will be independently mobile. That at least the Domination of Eiler can lead the disaster preparedness exercises for. If it ever has to get out of Michigan without using petroleum, its most recent vacation shows it can make the state line in two or three days on bicycle, and eat dandelion greens along the way. One supposes, technology might save us one more time. Some estimates say, nanotechnology will be functional within 30 years. Which is to say, much stronger materials, therefore much lighter vehicles, therefore much less fuel use. But where's the fuel coming from still? |
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4 July 2008 | ||||
U.S. Independence Day in the Domination of Eiler If the people of the Domination want a holiday, so let it be. | ||||
Never let it be said the Domination of Eiler hates nation-states; no good Emperor has ever hated his subject nations. Also, no righteous person of whatever religion has ever hated the holidays of another religion, as long as everyone gets the day off from work. And patriotism has practically always been the equivalent of religion. Christianity only took off when it started joining in the government-sponsored rituals, back in the days of the Roman Empire. Today being a day off from work, the Dominator considered a road trip to the continental EilerDepot near Chicago. But those who would take that trip from Lansing-Michigan this weekend, will find themselves fighting eight hours of heavy traffic, paying heavy fuel prices, and huddling in whatever restaurants are open and whatever hotels aren't booked solid. Along the way, that basically means a Holiday Inn in Michigan City-Indiana. Michigan City has its own charm, but it's already been conquered. Those who would stay in Lansing will instead get beautiful weather, a parade by the Michigan Capitol, a pig roast at the best pub in Eiler Town, and maybe some fireworks later. So has it been done.
All Hail the Domination! | ||||
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