Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2008 Autumn / Xmas Blog (#16)December - October 2008In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided at the top of the page.Hello and welcome to the Domination of Eiler! |
31 December 2008 |
Waiting for the Shutdown The end of the Domination of South Lansing-Michigan is coming. |
The troops from the Final Conversion War are demobilizing. This marks the end of a long-standing alliance. In closing ceremonies, both factions of the alliance bestowed full honors upon each others' victorious forces. To observe the occasion, the Domination of Eiler unveiled to its allies the glory of The Domination will therefore take the risk of people discovering that Eilertech is at least 75% silly. Early results indicate an immediate bump in traffic to the Domination's most popular web site, the Brazil Travelog. Or as the Domination of Eiler likes to call that now, the Hemispheric Offensive of 2005. For obscure reasons not worth mentioning now, the Domination of Eiler based itself in Michigan throughout the alliance. It is now obvious, the demands of supporting a failing automotive industry plus the Dominator's extravagant lifestyle, have sucked Michigan dry of its economic well-being. For the good of the state of Michigan, it's therefore time to leave its shrivelled husk behind. Much like after university in 1983. The evacuation was started without fanfare this afternoon. The first stage was retreat from the Domination-allied engineering compound, accomplished without incident via bicycle. The Dominator is finally Michigan-tough enough to ride to work after a snowstorm when the side roads still aren't clear. In Michigan this is standard practice, especially among those for whom automobiles are a luxury. And the Domination's mighty NARF-Cycle is capable enough to carry several bags of cargo one big mile from work back home, to the Great Hall of Eiler. The evacuation plan is to spend one month closing down the regular Domination patrols of South Lansing-Michigan. A church, a gym, a neighborhood pub, a neighborhood association which used to meet at that pub, and a team of chiropractors will each have an interest. For the remainder of greater Lansing... good luck. After that, the Domination of Eiler will retreat upon its Continental EilerDepot warehouse near Chicago-Illinois, so as to stow its gear, greet its local allies there, and prepare for work anywhere. Thereafter, if all goes well, a Kentucky offensive and a goodwill tour of New England will follow. After that, the long-awaited offensive against Alaska may finally happen. But judging from the past, some software consulting job will probably interfere. Bulletins to follow, of course. But the Domination of Eiler has earned a wrap dinner at the neighborhood pub first. And the Dominator's main reaction is, "At last my life can start again!" |
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13 December 2008 |
Pageant Time The Domination of Eiler vs. the Final Conversion War vs. holiday pageants. |
"It's cold, it's wet, it's miserable.... Watch this! We're going to defy the elements and have a good time anyway!" - A. G. McDowellThe Final Conversion War is technically over, because the data's all converted and actually being used now. But the corporate allies of the Domination of Eiler are still observing the season with consecutive seven-day work weeks. The Domination's mercenary force is taking advantage of this bizarre holiday practice, to earn lots of vacation pay in advance. And it's shown its ability to fix problems much faster than the fixes can be approved for implementation. The Domination's local church allies have their own practice, more traditional but equally bizarre in its own way... Once every 10 years or so, the Domination discovers a church which writes its own pageant. A well-meaning member of the congregation rewrites the Christmas or Easter story as a musical with inventive new roles, and the choir is automatically enrolled. South Lansing-Michigan has one such church. In this year's pageant, there's a role for turtledoves who sing the Savior a lullaby. This role is particularly ironic, because aside from the sheep off in the fields, turtledoves are the only animals mentioned in the Bible's version of the Christmas story. Mary and Joseph took the doves to the Temple in Jerusalem for blood sacrifice (Luke 2:22-24). The Domination of Eiler is of two minds about inventive pageantry. Its Bishop-Principal cautions all who would add to the Biblical record, not to add judgment upon themselves per Revelation 22:18. But the Domination Guard choral force signed on for extra duty, as the cute sheep who gave the Savior his wool for use as a baby blanket.
In all fairness, the Domination is itself not entirely innocent of adding to the Bible record. For entertainment purpose, in 2004 it constructed a fictional scenario wherein Jesus of Nazareth was so pure and blameless, he didn't plan his own death to the extent commonly supposed.
Having an active fiction writer on staff, the Domination could actually scrape together a Christmas pageant based on its own stories. St. Nicholas would not appear, because he's only shown up for Mother's Day (2003) and Thanksgiving (2006) so far. But the Christmas holiday stories have guest-starred Mary of Nazareth (2000), Bugs Bunny (2003), and the British Army in Iraq (2005). Of course, every pageant needs a wholesome conclusion which reveals The True Meaning of the Holiday. The Domination has one of these written already also, as part of its Xmas Blog. The only thing missing is music. The Domination of Eiler has a vast musical library to fill this void. To help in selection, its computers today provided some music at random:
The Domination of Eiler therefore claims pageant parity with all its rival powers. Let the disarmament talks start. |
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14 November 2008 |
Contagion The Domination of Eiler vs. the Final Conversion War vs. epidemics. |
The Final Conversion War is on schedule - and more. The advance of the Domination of Eiler mercenary force was scheduled for two weeks. Thanks to massive efficiency and automation, plus everything going right the first time (so far, including one big initial battle like unto Thermopylae, and no somebody-else's-problem battles like Salmacis), plus good marching music from Neil Young and Fishbone (like "We're On the Road to Never", "Servitude", and "Long May You Run"), conversion is practically done after two days. But toward the end of the offensive, the Dominator was struck with contagion. The final conversion has been therefore proceeding without his personal involvement. As well it was trained to. The Dominator has trained his cyber-underling-progams for this campaign for 22 months. has recently declared its ability to track flu outbreaks better than the U.S. Center for Disease Control. Toward that end, the Domination of Eiler says (should either Google or the CDC care to track to this level), this particular contagion is just a bad cold. But it is still worthy of quarantine, so as not to infect cow-orkers or the general public.
Even under quarantine conditions, the vigor of the Domination of Eiler is only slightly abated. Even while staying out from work and taking frequent naps, it cleaned house to a nearly unprecedented extent - and stained part of its landlord's deck so as to not have scrapable amounts of mold between the deck wood and the next eatable snow. Wow, time off from work! Now it's Friday evening. Within the Domination forces, the contagion has proceeded to where it can only benefit from a massive dose of throat-soothing beverage which also dries out the human nasal system. That is to say, it's beer time. Like every Friday evening. It is expected, Saturday and days thereafter will be as usual. On Monday, likely the Dominator will re-enter the Final Conversion War alongside a different division of the great king's troops, with all taint of contagion long gone, all praise to the One Maker. |
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10 November 2008 |
Drink Before the War The end of the peacekeeping mission in South Lansing-Michigan may finally be in sight - but there's still a month and a half of heavy action left. |
The Time of the Darkflower is upon the District of Dominance. In other words, winter is coming. Measurable amounts of eatin' snow fell yesterday. The Domination of Eiler custom is to plan for one last road trip in late November, before the roads freeze for the winter. But that's probably not happening this year, because the corporate-sponsored mission to South Lansing-Michigan is reaching its climax. The cyber-maneuvers involved therein are like assembling an army of two million men from a realm of many kings, to cross the Hellespont and burn Athens and Sparta. The Dominator's part in this event is like a mighty general, responsible for about half the cyber-data. The attack of the Eiler mercenary force starts in earnest tomorrow. It is the Final Conversion War. After that, it might be the end of the contract. Yes, it's been theorized before (1 2), but when the job's actually done, the contract's usually done too. So, the Domination has made time for dinner tonight at the neighborhood pub, and a drink before the war. May not get the road trip in, but can at least get the big dinner. Hi, everyone. |
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8 November 2008 |
The Way of His Ascension The recent U.S. Presidential election has been a lot like a passion play, Disney style. |
U.S. President-Elect Obama has run for national office exactly twice. Both times, his strategy has been to appear squeaky clean, emanate warm fuzzies, avoid having ever made a controversial decision, and wait for his opponents to self-destruct.
Now it's over, almost anticlimactically. Everything's so Peace-and-Love right now, one has to wonder if the election was just an elaborate Passion Play staged for the world's benefit. In any case, forces of world domination were obviously working in Mr. Obama's favor. The Domination of Eiler was one such force. It and its citizens were instrumental in this shift of power.
People are afraid the new President will be assassinated by right-wing loonies, thus giving his nation an even more authentic taste of the JFK era. But one suspects it would take a bit more effort to do that than militiamen can pull off without powerful help. And the powers seem to have been backing the winner all along. This is probably a reassuring thing for the world, with warm fuzzies thrown in as is Obama's specialty. In the Dominator's demographic (that is to say, educated geeks who spend too much time using computers), most people join the world in celebrating the prospect of a United States government which acts like a good citizen of the world. But the sentiment was scary for a while.
One Maker help the new President when he turns out not to be perfect, as no President is. The Domination of Eiler reminds its citizens: The new President won't be perfect, but he won't be the end of the world either. At least not all by himself. |
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31 October 2008 | ||
Halloween Friday 2008 Two cities worth of holiday fun. | ||
The Domination of Eiler Halloween Party is in progress as usual in Illinois this year. But the Dominator is still in Michigan and had to attend via cell phone. In case nobody heard all his part of the conversation:
... But that's about it for the journal. You might say, the rest of the night is predictable. > Meanwhile, in the Domination's fiction-blog, the Dominator's determined that the U.S. presidential election will be decided by a giant gorilla. It's time to start telling the world exactly how. And as ever, this barroom is the place to write the story. Not even the height of Halloween Friday in the District of Dominance can change that.
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26 October 2008 | ||||
Preparations The future is uncertain, but the Domination of Eiler remains constant. | ||||
Short term, Halloween plans are uncertain.
Medium and long term, plans for January are uncertain. The employer is probably not paying then, at least not on this project.
Coincidentally, the Baptist allies in South Lansing are having a Bible study about father Abraham, who got his reputation (aside from his strange religious ideas about a One Maker) by colonizing out from Babylon and leaving everything behind. One study question was, How would your friends react if you left town forever? The Dominator's answer was, We might find out in January. Just as towns in Illinois and Massachusetts have found out before now. In some respects, life in the Domination of Eiler is much more Biblically accurate than normal people prefer. This is yet another situation of conflicting goals which all lead to more Domination. All praise to the One Maker. | ||||
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4 October 2008 |
A Sort of Homecoming 2008 Once again the alumni come visit, but the Dominator just keeps on living here. |
Once again it's homecoming weekend at the nearby Michigan State University, from which the Dominator graduated. The Domination of Eiler planned accordingly.
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