Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2009 Winter Blog (#17)February - January 2009In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided at the top of the page.Hello and welcome to the Domination of Eiler! |
28 February 2009 |
Tennessee Tough The Domination of Eiler takes hold in Nashville. |
The Domination's favorite computer is being rebellious and needs to be sent to the factory for discipline. Said factory is itself being rebellious; they've taken a week so far to approve the free warranty repair, blamed everything other than their hardware, and refused to pay the shipping cost. They will be made to serve anyway. Meanwhile, public and workplace computers are taking up the Domination's processing load, until a cheap (and probably more reliable) supplemental computer can be obtained. Still, this journal may be late in publication. However, other parts of the Domination's Nashville campaign are successful. Most importantly, the Tennessee workplace has submitted. The main accomplishment of the Domination's mercenary force there is to look busy and let the corporate client say honestly, "Yes, we've staffed." Allies from Illinois have not joined the Domination's expeditionary force, but many from Michigan have. Spare time is not going to waste this month; the Domination's fiction is soaking it up. This month's feature: an unexpected sequel to the end of human life on Earth.
Long-term housing has been arranged. The main question was: One mile from work, two miles, or three?
Given that menu of housing, the one-mile option has been chosen. Yuppie housing has its place in life, especially when it's convenient for afternoon nap time. Evening exercise and social time can find its own solutions later. However, patrols of downtown Nashville will continue, in much the same manner as in Scumburg/Palatine or Lansing. The downtown area lends itself to bicycle patrol on Saturdays; Nashville is about the same size as greater Lansing or Scumburg, only with double the population because the buildings are twice as tall. And the Domination Guard's choral force will garrison a downtown Presbyterian installation on Sunday mornings.
The last three months have been a synchronicity maelstrom, on too many levels to track completely. The Domination of Eiler takes this as a sign of Heaven's blessing. All praise to the One Maker - and may it not turn sour, at least not before a six-month apartment lease is up. |
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21 February 2009 | ||
Nashville vs. the Domination of Eiler II Waves of dominance are slowly beating the city down. | ||
The street fighting in Nashville-Tennessee goes slowly but according to plan. In a non-directed effort to determine the best new Great Hall of Eiler before establishing a new EilerBase, waves of Dominance are now flooding the towh.
It's become obvious, Nashville reeks of money.
The intermediate zone between the $30 and $150 hotel rooms has taken considerable effort to find. New chambers for the next week have been arranged at Ramada of East Nashville. This hotel inhabits a very thin habitable zone near the local football stadium (which is itself thankfully dormant this time of year), alongside a full-service German-style restaurant and a Shoney's. This weekend, the Domination of Eiler plans to establish its new base area, enjoy the full-service local restaurants, maybe indulge its renewed habits of stick whittling and reading trashy novels, then mostly rest. Everything from Monday onward is likely to be strenuous. One week from now, when the current corporate ally has shown some commitment to continue the contract, then the Domination of Eiler will consider the long-term habitation plans. | ||
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15 February 2009 |
Nashville vs. the Domination of Eiler Intense street-level campaigning is now underway. |
After the Domination's vehicles were patched in Paducah on Friday, the expeditionary force broke out of town - barely in time to beat the migrant repair workers to an obscure but very quiet hotel in Eddyville-Kentucky. Used the bicycle to get to full-service restaurant/bar dinner back by the highway. Next day, linked up with the Domination's Drop Zone-Huntsville (the 1988 Alabama conquests) at Fort Campbell-Kentucky. Managed to assemble appropriate documentation including proof of insurance (thanks largely to the recent repairs in Paducah), force entry onto the base, conquer their museum, and take trophies of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division. Off base, new desert combat boots were on sale, $40! Still, the Domination's been repairing its existing shoes instead, so these were bypassed. One hour on to Nashville. Internet research revealed a cluster of hotels on the north side of Nashville between downtown and Opryland, and also near the new workplace. Of that cluster, "Howard Johnson's" was chosen for Saturday barracks, at discount rate paid in advance for a full week. The Domination has no great regret about the hotel itself (aside from "jiggle the handle" at the toilet), but the whole neighborhood is a mistake.
The expeditionary forces survived Saturday night in cheap hotel, and so had to decide where to look for church Sunday morning. To avoid the apparently-dysfunctional local neighborhood, downtown Nashville itself was chosen. Conquest via bicycle - albeit with serious opposition.
Forces have now retired to hotel, to update this fine journal and plan some more vehicle repairs. In the opinion of the Domination of Eiler, it looks like Opryland and downtown Nashville suck almost all the social life out of the neighborhoods between them. (The Domination of Eiler calls this "the Manhattan Effect", based upon observations of social life in Connecticut and New Jersey.) The judgment of Heaven is therefore sensed upon East Nashville. This may have some strange implications upon the domination of Nashville, so as to shift it downtown. It's tempting to say, Nashville has not seen anything like the Domination of Eiler. But a more proper assessment is, Nashville's seen most everything. The Domination of Eiler should therefore fit in - once it overcomes the present opposition. |
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12 February 2009 | ||
Paducah-Kentucky City of rivers, quilts, and accents. | ||
A Domination-grade loft has been occupied at Fox Briar Inn downtown. It has free in-room laundry, and the smallest chamber there rivals the Great Hall of Eiler in size.
Ohio River view was offered but declined, because one can just as easily walk a block, sit by the river, and carve the new hiking sticks.
Now that Paducah is sheltered by the Domination Effect, the weather is calm and sunny. But bar patrons say, they knew the recent ice storm would be bad when Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel came to town to broadcast live. As for how the patrons talk... The Dixie accent is widely present in town. In some venues, one finds a stereotypical "artist" accent too. The natives of Paducah in turn have yet to guess the Dominator's own weird accent - and many have asked. Most people guess Britain. (In Britain they guess Belgium.) The real answer is "Indianapolis with massive speech therapy at an early age".
"Owensboro! Evansville! ... Paducah!" Thus runs the mighty Ohio River, according to the orientation film at the River Heritage Museum. ("Ohio" = Iroquois word for "Beautiful River", according to same film.) Said museum is also home to:
The National Quilt Museum submitted quilts. In honor of famous Kentucky resident Abe Lincoln, they even had Lincoln-era quilts in stock.
Other museums submitted nothing, being closed January and February. The famous Lowertown Arts District also submitted nothing, except one foul-mouthed driver who wasn't used to bicycles on her road. Have fun with the tourists this weekend. (Admittedly, the Dominator does not usually browse galleries which try to sell art, so bypassed several here.)
Meanwhile, the fancy inn booked itself solid for the weekend, with young lovers who want to see artistic Paducah for Valentine's Day. Other hotels are said to be booked solid by mercenary professionals who have chainsaws. Bike repairs have been semi-accomplished - with the help of the Domination's own stockpile of duct tape and Water Dispersant #40, plus advice from Paducah bicycle repairmen who were busy and sick and the dog ate their homework. Car repairs are on track to happen before leaving town, provided the Dominator can deliver his car to a nondescript garage, trust them to have gotten the right part in and not whine about how rusty the underlying structure is, and amuse himself on bike in Paducah for three more hours without the bike breaking down again. Dread Lord of the Domination, Give Power! The good things about Paducah cover a multitude of sins. Particularly the fancy hotel room. And Paducah is fun - but not as much fun as the Quad Cities. Paducah barely has a few square blocks of fun, at least this time of year. At least three of the Quad Cities can each match that. As such, Paducah's hype is overrated, until they can fairly say "We're More Fun Than The Quad Cities!" Therefore the Domination now senses and proclaims the judgment of Heaven upon Paducah. (No, the judgment isn't storms; everyplace has storms.) The native-born, the migrant artists, the tourists, and the relief workers, are now sentenced to endure each other.
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11 February 2009 | ||
Metropolis Not even Superman can stop the Domination's southward march. But Storm and the Swamp Thing might. | ||
The Domination's vehicles are both taking a beating. The car has a crack in the windshield after last night's storms, and the bike won't go above 14th gear. Could be a day for travelling slow.
Offensive has now proceeded to within 2.5 hours drive of Nashville-Tennessee - without having left Illinois. High winds, flooded ditches, and still some fallen wood on the roads, make it a good idea not to go farther today. Last stop in Illinois is the town of Metropolis. It's large enough to have a driver services facility, which may come in handy to Illinois residents in exile; Nashville-Tennessee is closer to Metropolis than Lansing-Michigan is to Chicago. That alone makes it worth checking out. But Metropolis also has Superman, in the form of a memorabilia museum and a giant statue. And the Domination of Eiler has successfully come in to rampage through the city.
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10 February 2009 | ||
Edge of the Storm Both literally and figuratively. | ||
The storms are rising again over luckless Paducah-Kentucky. The Domination's southbound expeditionary force therefore stopped short of there, at an arbitrarily-chosen spot in southern Illinois.
A break before the storm is good. Let's hope it's not a metaphoric storm too, as would be shown in a workplace. | ||
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9 February 2009 | ||
Going South The winter offensive is now beyond the Frontline. | ||
The Domination's expeditionary force moved out from the Continental EilerDepot today, following the signs that say "Memphis - 500 Miles". At an appropriate time, will turn aside toward Nashville. Operational music "Going South". The Frontline of the Domination of Eiler is jagged throughout central Illinois. The Domination has proven its ability to penetrate as far south as Vincennes-Indiana and St. Louis-Missouri, but largely ignored the points between. On this trip, Illinois gets some more Domination.
Today in the news:
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6 February 2009 |
Slingshot This year's winter offensive develops an irresistible momentum - southward. |
The Domination of Eiler has three long-term plans for world domination. None of these have been major priorities for this month, though.
Plan 3 has a backup: go south beyond Paducah. From there the best roads lead to Nashville-Tennessee. Plan 2 now has the same backup, because agents of the Tennessee Gov are hiring cyber-mercenaries, for a campaign somewhat like the one which the Domination of Eiler mercenary force just finished. The campaign involves socialized medicine, which only gets more popular during recessions. And the Domination now has proven expertise in this field. So, the Domination of Eiler is planning an onslaught upon Tennessee. If all goes well, the District of Dominance will be established in Nashville. From there, the Domination can conquer new lands on almost all sides.
The main question now is, will the Domination be leading a mass movement? Allies from both Michigan and Illinois have an interest. If the Domination isn't careful, it may even have recruits marching under the banner of Eiler Technical Enterprises. It's likely to be an especially messy campaign, involving software of legendary reputation among those who know the industry. But with all these plans coming together, and with a non-zero likelihood of public support, it feels right to start this year's Domination of Eiler winter offensive in that direction. (As a portent, the Dominator was even reading a trashy paperback book about country music stars before he heard about this job.) By now, the Dominator should really have learned better to understand the workings of the One Maker. Once again, this time of year is decisive. |
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2 February 2009 |
Pure Illinois Another of many differences between Illinois and Michigan. Plus some road war. |
The Domination of Eiler completed its evacuation of Michigan today. Its forces have retreated upon the Continental EilerDepot northwest of Chicago-Illinois. A garrison has been re-established in Scumburg-Illinois (former District of Dominance) for the next week. There was culture shock when moving from Illinois to Michigan, and there is culture shock the other direction as well. The most important difference today is, Illinois has many more "Pure Michigan" tourism commercials than Michigan has. This is ironic because the sun shines brighter on Illinois, due largely to lack of lake-effect cloud cover. Perhaps Illinois should advertise this. The sun broke through the clouds almost exactly at the Illinois state line today. The Domination of Eiler opened the convertible top of its Flagship automobile for the occasion. Unfortunately, traffic from out of Michigan and the U.S. Northeast was still coated with ice. One chunk of ice sailed off the top of a truck cab, unerringly flew through the sunroof and onto the Dominator's back (good thing he ducked), and shattered.
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30 January 2009 |
Final Shutdown Bulletin The end of the Domination of South Lansing-Michigan has come. |
Cleanout of the Great Hall of Eiler has been proceeding in order, along with time allocated just for fun and Dominance. Saw a Sherlock Holmes play in local theatre last week; went to visit the nearby scenic Grand Ledge this week. But today there have been some misadventures in finalizing the evacuation.
Despite opposition, the evacuation of South Lansing is on the brink of completion. Based on Internet estimates of hotel prices and weather conditions, the Domination expeditionary force has evacuated only as far as the hotels by the highway in South Lansing. This gives a useful opportunity to raid the Great Hall of Eiler one last time tomorrow, so as to retrieve a carload of luggage stowed more safely than in the car, clean a bit more, and loot the stockpile of excess previous-tenant stuff for charity. Really, don't people know about charity thrift stores? The wrap dinner is happening at Barley's, just like the occupation dinner did. As the Domination of South Lansing began, so does it end. |
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18 January 2009 | ||
Ceremonies of the Shutdown (Bulletin #2) Two contingents in different cities honor the end of the Domination of South Lansing-Michigan. | ||
In Illinois, the longstanding allies from two different employers have observed the upcoming change in Domination of Eiler focus.
Transit from Illinois to Michigan contended with the lowest temperatures in ten years, even below the Fimbulwinter of 2007. The Domination of Eiler discovered how even its mighty motor vehicle may whine about running in subzero weather conditions, even though it has ignition. Nonetheless, the Indiana Toll Road was conquered, though with a rest stop in Elkhart. Michigan, of course, has been the target of street-level campaigning through the city of Lansing. The allies at the church in Lansing-Michigan brought cake and a nice C.S. Lewis book in honor today.
Despite opposition, all goes according to short-term plan. Long-term plans remain as once stated. These plans will lead to more Domination of Eiler, and need no restatement - though Plan 1, to conquer within the District of Dominance here in South Lansing, is exactly what is being abandoned. | ||
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4 January 2009 |
Michigan Shutdown Bulletin #1 Local allies respond to the impending end of the Domination of South Lansing-Michigan. |
The news of the Domination of Eiler evacuation of South Lansing-Michigan is spreading. The neighborhood association suspected this was coming, but found out yesterday. The association is now figuring out what to do without that one additional volunteer to hold office, volunteers being scarce enough already. The Domination Guard engineering force will abandon the post of "Acting Secretary" but still hold the post of "web maintainer" even after leaving town - assuming the association doesn't just dissolve due to lack of volunteers. The local Baptists have a more vigorous secretary than the neighborhood association has, and are already planning a closing ceremony. The Dominator hopes it will be in the boring old library with a bunch of books and maybe some pastries, not in the basement with a bunch of other people's kids and a potluck lunch. People are already helpfully suggesting, "You could stay in South Lansing until you get a new job." Indeed it seems a good place to survive, assuming one has vigilant and well-armed neighbors to scare off the thieves. But they're not talking to an average unemployed person; they're talking to the Domination of Eiler, whose business model embraces mobility.
The Domination of Eiler's goal is, of course, world domination. 2009 could actually be an ideal year for this, due to the Domination's extensive preparation for exactly this situation. All hail the Domination - and glory to the One Maker who seems to be not undermining this plan. |
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