Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . ![]() Domination of Eiler2010 Northwest Autumn Blog (#28)November - September 2010![]() In This Episode:
What Is the Domination of Eiler?Oh, just treat it like another pretentious web log.At least until you get to know it better, citizen. This web log wants to conquer the world.Educational links are provided at the top of the page. RSS feed available at .Hello and welcome to the Domination of Eiler! |
25 November 2010 | |
The Domination has found a long-term headquarters, in time for U.S. Thanksgiving Day. | |
Since Halloween the moving van has not arrived. At last report, it was proceeding north from San Francisco at a leisurely pace. That's what the Domination gets for picking the cheapest vendor. However, the Dominator has found fine new quarters, which mostly overlook trees instead of parking lot. When kids play outside the Dominator's windows, they're at least having reasonable fun in the snow instead of loitering. Yes, snow. It snows in metro Seattle roughly once every two years. Thanks to the infamous "La Niña" weather effect, this is one of those years. When it snows here, local news teams pre-empt the national news to provide continuous team coverage of cars sliding around. Really. The Dominator negotiated with the same old apartment management to get these new quarters. They're actually a swell bunch of people. They hold kickboxing class once a week, and most of them come work out alongside the residents. The Domination is trying to figure out how to tell two of them that they've made it into this year's novel... Besides, comparable quarters anywhere else would likely be more expensive. The new Hall of Eiler has two bedrooms. So the Dominator may on any night choose either the bedroom which faces traffic (on the mixed-blessing side road which leads to work - and is closed for the next year, so has less traffic), or the bedroom which adjoins a ventilation shaft, which works as well as an intercom for finding out about people's living room or bedtime activities. So no, it's not a Great Hall of Eiler. But it'll do for the foreseeable future. Today the Dominator observed U.S. Thanksgiving Day within the Hall of Eiler, by cooking his own steak and asparagus. Admittedly, store-bought mashed potatoes figured in, as they often do in dinners. Then he walked in the woods. That's as important a Thanksgiving tradition as any of them. By this time next year, the Dominator should know what restaurants are open for Thanksgiving to support the Domination's habit of paying for food then, and should know what friends are ready to support the Domination's even older habit of freeloading. But for this year, cooking one's own dinner is good. All Hail the Domination! |
30 October 2010 | |
One last party in Illinois. | |
![]() The Domination's transcontinental expeditionary force has been advised to expect a lengthy occupation of metro Seattle-Washington. The Domination is therefore concentrating nearly its full force upon the area. It's a bit early to flood Seattle with tens of thousands of comic books from the Dominator's private collection, but everything else is now on board a moving van headed west from Chicago. Domination forces stayed on in metro Chicago for its fifteenth-anniversary Halloween Friday Party. The costume this year is Frank Zappa, with authentic mustache hand-sculpted before travelling. This may have gotten the expedition a weird look from airport security on the way there, just because it didn't match a government-issued photo ID. In Chicago it was convenient to renew that ID, complete with new photo. From now on, airport security will look at the Domination's expeditonary forces funny if they don't have a Frank Zappa mustache. And they probably won't, because regular shaving sucks. But it's all worth it for Halloween.
All in all, not a bad campaign. |
20 October 2010 | ||
The Domination of Eiler has been considering doomsday scenarios. | ||
The Dominator's friends have been talking about the fine literature they're reading. As ever, the Dominator instead reads paperback books that usually cost 50 cents, though they go for a dollar here because charities in Seattle are affluent and greedy. The latest paperback is "Breakdown" by William W. Johnstone, about a 1990s right-wing rebellion in the United States, kind of like the modern-day "Tea Party" rallies with guns. It turns into a three-way civil war among the Gov, the good militias, and the evil militias.
If a rebellion like this were to happen in the real world, things might be different. Factions will be kind of like in the book, though.
One way or another, every city will be controlled by an armed force. They already are, if you count policemen. The Domination has been thinking about what kind of force will control each city that has served as EilerBase.
Hmmm, this would make a good novel after all, full of human drama. It just so happens, the Domination's fiction-blog is going there this year. |
8 October 2010 | ||
Domination sinks in at EilerBase Bothell. | ||
![]() The occupation of Bothell-Washington continues to be filled with victory. Today marks six weeks of ongoing corporate sponsorship for the Domination of Eiler.
Nearby home and work, the Domination of Eiler finds the district known as "Canyon Park". It powerfully channels any bicycle-based occupation force. Regular Domination patrols here are therefore restricted to the canyon itself.
At home, the off-net policy is paying off.
On this Friday night, the Dominator finally acted like something other than a migrant worker. He dined upon marinated steak with broccoli and diced garlic - cooked by himself in his own apartment, while washing a tasteful new polo shirt of his own design which properly reflects the Domination of Eiler in Washington State. He feels like one of his friends who sews their own dresses. All Hail the Domination. And All Praise to the One Maker. |
26 September 2010 | |
Alliance is established with local Christian singers. Also resolved some problems from living in the bottom of a district called Canyon Park, by buying a stronger TV antenna. |
25 September 2010 | |
Long-term EilerBase has been established almost exactly as planned, all praise to the One Maker. |
24 September 2010 | ||
An experimental policy for EilerBase Seattle. | ||
Today marks four weeks of ongoing corporate sponsorship for the Domination of Eiler. This campaign is working out even better than the sponsors realize. When they ask for a spreadsheet or a diagram or something, the Domination's mercenary force responds by enhancing their corporate software systems for assimilation into the Domination's growing cyber-slave army. To mark the occasion, the Domination of Eiler is about to establish a long-term EilerBase inside Occupation Zone Bothell. The current domination plan is to survive as long as possible without either rented furniture or in-house cable TV/internet services. Thrift stores can provide furniture; the Conquering Cell Phone can read e-mail, newsgroups and Facebook; everywhere else has full wireless internet; and the Dominator's interested in these new HDTV broadcast channels. The Dominator may ultimately give in and call for a cable hookup and a real bed. But at least he'll already have a place to put those things by then. Until then... The Domination's backlog of paperback books to be conquered has grown, due to an ongoing used book sale at work to benefit charity. The Domination of Eiler and its citizens may benefit from less time of Eiler posting and more of Eiler reading. |
7 September 2010 | |
The Domination bypassed commuter traffic and sent today's mercenary expedition out on its Conquering Cycle, "War Machine". As often happens in Seattle, today's 60% chance of rain was overstated. This bodes well. |
6 September 2010 | ||
The start of EilerBase Seattle. | ||
The Domination of Eiler is following up on Victory Day 2010. It's time to occupy Bothell-Washington, in preparation to plant a District of Dominance there near the office of its returning corporate sponsor, "All-Terra Titan".
Today the Dominator is exploring the two-mile neighborhood, which will serve as the shopping area for the one-mile neighborhood. It seems the neighborhood pubs will be a team-up of the "What the Pho?" Vietnamese restaurant and the lounge at Denny's. |