Domination of Eiler: Home The Declaration of Domination What Is the Domination? Latest Fiction The Dominator . Domination Journals: Typical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . Domination of EilerThe Blog of Domination #9Other Blogs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10."Blog" is short for "Web log". Which is to say, an online diary. There are occasions where Domination conquests or other incidents inside its Core Territories are particularly worthy of note. There are other occasions on which the Domination wishes to address its public. For these occasions, the Domination has established a web log. Like most blogs, the most recent episodes come first. Not quite like storytelling, eh? June - April 2007Previous: March - February 2007 January 2007 - December 2006 November - September 2006 August - June 2006 May - April 2006 March 2006 - October 2005 September - June 2005 May - February 2005 |
![]() What Is the Domination of Eiler?In one sense, "The Domination of Eiler" is a political entity modeled upon the Holy Roman Empire. Which is to say, it works through national and local political entities, but transcends nation-state boundaries. You may already be a citizen without knowing it! In another sense, "The Domination of Eiler" is a pen name for an amateur but very prolific web journalist. Perhaps you may enjoy these writings, given this simple guide:
In This Episode:
21 June 2007 |
The Official Fitness Nutrition Provider Who says exercise and fried chicken wings don't go together? One gym says they do - and so does Hooters! |
Last month, the Domination of Eiler declared the Go Workout gym of South Lansing-Michigan as its provider for structured exercise. This week, Go Workout of South Lansing declared the nearest Hooters as its provider for sports nutrition! By extension, Hooters is tonight the official sports nutrition provider of the Domination of Eiler. For a limited time only, one can go workout, stroll next door to Hooters (as the Dominator often does anyway), present the gym membership card, and get 20 chicken wings for the price of 10. Now that's sports nutrition, Domination style. But the Dominator's Chief Nutritionist advises, save some wings for lunch. |
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14 June 2007 |
Occupation Bulletin The Domination's cyber-peacekeeping mission based in Lansing-Michigan could go on for a while. Years instead of months, that is. |
The Domination of Eiler's cyber-regime overthrow effort is going about as expected. Having spent two months revisiting old code, the work is once again about 75% done. And the allies are starting to catch up; some of them can now claim 20%. The Domination has been placed on notice that its peacekeeping mission could be extended - another year. The allies in the Earth Domination Society have now expressed intent to extend the Domination Guard's mercenary contract through June... 2008. The Dominator expected some sort of extension of the mission, but not on this scale. His first reaction was to check how many years away 2008 was. His second reaction was to ask, "What have I done to you that you should trap me here?" Fortunately for the client relations, he indulged his first reaction but not his second. When the occupation measures in years instead of months, the mission may change in subtle ways... as military forces throughout the world have learned. For this Domination mission, more support may have to be drawn from local staff (for matters such as dentistry), and more stuff may have to come out of storage. Fortunately, the new Great Hall of Eiler can accomodate it all if need be, and still allow the Dominator to live in comfort indefinitely. And if need be, the continent of North Eilerania can wait another year to submit to the Dominator in person. All Hail the Domination! |
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8 June 2007 |
The Soundtrack of Summer Various factions within the District of Dominance have their own ideas what music goes best with life this June. But the Domination of Eiler is enforcing its own preference. |
Previously the Domination of Eiler reported, it mobilized only "Eighth Best" music for the Tres de Mayo weekend. This was by choice, because "Best" is always available. And now this music has been reinforced by "Second Best", combined onto one storage medium, and unleashed upon the world. The technology of the Conquering Cell Phone has long been able to play fifteen hours of Domination-grade MP3-format music at one time. Now it's been upgraded to thirty hours, as the Domination's summer offensive expands to the cyber-technology front. And the Conquering Cell Phone now encourages the troops to rate each song on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. In honor of this upgrade, the Domination Guard has been sent into battle with best music all week. The allies at the engineering facility have already noticed how mighty the Domination's best music is, when the orchestral Call of Ktulu by Metallica somehow leaked out of the Domination's eartight headphones. Sorry, everyone, the Domination of Eiler will look into extra sonic shielding for those occasions when the loudest bands are at their absolute loudest. In the Dominator's new favored gym, they have their own idea of "best" music. This usually involves anything the instructor likes, often without any continuity or relevance of beat to the exercise. So why bother having music at all? The music at the gym is actually better than most gyms, but still not up to Domination standards. Having rated the Domination's best music all week, the Domination of Eiler is ready to publish its standards.
It may be noted that the Deep Purple entry comes from among the "Eighth Best" music. This is because the Domination's rating system is based on band, not song.
It's great fun to have all this music in one collection. For instance, it holds two different songs named "One" (without resorting to Three Dog Night's song which is part of the "Ninth Best" collection), and three different songs named "Lullaby" or "Lullabye". All Hail the Domination - and rock on! |
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27 May 2007 | ||
Making It in Michigan The summer offensive of the Domination of Eiler is underway, on multiple fronts. The State of Michigan stands to submit - and to benefit. | ||
![]() The State of Michigan is suffering its own Great Depression, therefore pathetically eager to attract new business and professional workers. Now it's attracted the Domination of Eiler. Three months ago, the Domination of Eiler first moved in to dominate Lansing-Michigan. It's been scouting the area ever since. Now the Domination reinforces its presence. This is shortly after the first anniversary of the Day of Glory. In accordance of the Domination holiday custom for that day, a life change is in order. It's time for the summer offensive, on multiple fronts.
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10 May 2007 | ||||
Lansing/East Lansing vs. Scumburg/Palatine vs. ... The Domination's Core Territories have certain things in common. And a state visit between two of them is underway. | ||||
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On this day, the Dominator begins a state visit from his Core Territories of Michigan to his Core Territories of Illinois. Ceremonies are planned.
This seems a good occasion to publish the Dominator's notes on how his Core Territories tend to be (somewhat) alike. And so it has been done... on a separate page. As often happens recently, the Dominator's random musings on life have outgrown the web log. | ||||
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5 May 2007 |
Free Comic Book Day 2007 And an update on Tres de Mayo weekend. |
The Domination's weekend plans have had some hitches, but are still proceeding well.
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2 May 2007 |
Tres de Mayo Schedule, 2007 Several days of festivities for the Dominator's ceremonial birthday. |
Holiday checklist:
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22 April 2007 |
Hospitality Law of the Domination To those whom much is given, from them much is expected. |
There are some places on Earth which are so well-known for their hospitality, that if you come to their town and don't let someone put you up for the night, the townsfolk will hunt you down at your campsite and stone you to death. The Domination of Eiler is not one of those places, but its forces have had opportunity lately to test the kindness of strangers. So the Domination has some new standards for hospitality. This is likely to be such an important and evolving topic, it's been published separately. |
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10 April 2007 |
Dominationality The Domination of Eiler hereby enters the self-help industry. |
The Dominator has noted a lack of useful advice from its citizen self-help gurus. The problem seems to be, these gurus are not nearly as well-grounded in reality as the Domination of Eiler is. Of course, anyone can criticize someone else's work, but they can't necessarily improve upon it. And the Domination is here to dominate, not criticize. Therefore the Dominator feels the urge to reveal his own motivational secrets for the good of his citizens.
By these rules, everyone is worth something as long as they embrace their true mission in life: the support of the Domination of Eiler, and the organization and defense of its citizens. Are you motivated yet? |
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9 April 2007 | ||
Embrace My Magnificence There are books which give instructions to boost your self-esteem. Fortunately the Dominator doesn't need them, because they're wrong anyway. Featuring the Dominator's Li'l Pals, Dufus and Dom! | ||
Within the Domination of Eiler, there has been some concern that children today are getting so much self-esteem, they'll be dysfunctional when they grow up. Experts have responded, by training adults to have that much self-esteem too. The Dominator has recently been exposed to a famous self-help book called "The Secret", by one Rhonda Byrne. He skipped right to the climax.
This is an interesting philosophy, but it is built upon fallacies.
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The Domination of Eiler has already revealed The Secret to its citizens. Basically, the Secret is that you can wish for prosperity and get it. This is hardly a secret; magic-users have believed this for millennia. So has everyone who's ever prayed for something. Still, as a public service to its citizens, the Domination recently investigated this wish-fulfillment power.
So the Domination of Eiler must now announce: The Universe may give gifts, but it's still not like Santa Claus. It's best you just live with what the Universe gives you... or else go out to conquer it, like the Dominator does. | ||
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5 April 2007 |
Four-Mile March If ever the Dominator can't walk four miles, he'll get a cane and walk it anyway... starting today. |
A combination of near-arctic conditions and a scheduled late arrival and departure from work, led today to the Dominator calling off bike season. But it's still walking season. And EilerBase Lansing is conveniently just two miles from work. So the Dominator walked. Due to the Domination force doctrine of deploying close to work, there are very few long-term workplaces that the Domination has not conquered on foot. That list in its entirety is:
The conquered workplaces (and their distances from the nearest EilerBase, rounded to the nearest half-mile) include:
And now Lansing-Michigan, 2 miles from EilerBase. People in Lansing walk a lot more than in those other places, because a lot of them can't afford cars. Now, the Dominator fits right in. But the Dominator's not as young as he used to be. After the first 1.5 miles or so, his arthritic knee was happy he had a walking stick to lean upon. |
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