Definitely Not the Powernaut! No, Not the Powernaut!
Powernaut: Home 1912 1941 1944 1948 1954 1955 1962 1966 1968 (with Stories) 1969 1976 1979 1984 1985 1987 1988 1989 1992 2005 (with Stories) 2006 (with Stories) 2009 (with Stories) 2011 (with Stories) 2012 2013 2014 .
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Power-STAR COMICS 1984 Part 2!

Hyper-Power Crisis Wars!

See Part 1!


Hello, Readers!

Powernaut Comics thinks each of you likes *some* of the brave new heroes of Power-STAR Comics! What if we put them all together?? Yay!

(signed) Scott Eiler, Publisher for Powernaut Comics, 1984.

Search the Powernaut Archives!

I Ride to Hunt the Bear!

Two Wikis! Manly-Man


Doom Bear


Bonus Section: 2005 Reprint Commentary from Stephen Oliver Samuels (S.O.S.)! Heroes vs. Toys II

In 1984 we were really vigilant about threats against the nation. These didn't qualify then (as far as I heard). They were more like breakfast cereal ad campaigns.

In 1985 we would learn differently. But that's another year.

What Is This Fetid Place?

Wiki! Hyper-Ninja Sewer Creatures

Let's All Be Friends!

Legion of Net.Heroes Wiki! Solar Sails

I Know Where We Can Go

That's What We Want to Know

Author's Notes:

Oh, my. I've given myself an easy challenge to get Powernaut Comics going again: a "missing" series of five comics. Even that's been difficult, though. I have lots of home time now, instead of restaurant time when I used to do most of my drawing. I think I can promise to deliver five weeks of comics in the next five weeks, though. I've kept "preview" comics up, alongside the first issue which is now fully colored.

After this comes Powernaut 1992 (Part One), which is all plotted. I'll try to keep going.

(signed) Scott Eiler, 30 March 2021.

Powernaut: Home 1912 1941 1944 1948 1954 1955 1962 1966 1968 (with Stories) 1969 1976 1979 1984 1985 1987 1988 1989 1992 2005 (with Stories) 2006 (with Stories) 2009 (with Stories) 2011 (with Stories) 2012 2013 2014 .
The Rest of the World: Wiki Home Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The Maker .

The Solar Sails (Solar Sail Roboto) are characters of Andrew Perron. Tommy the Turtle comes from a concept by Michael D. Friedman. All other characters and all artwork in this fiction are copyright © 2021 by Eiler Technical Enterprises.