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Doom Quest!


Hello, Readers!

Marvel Comics used to have Super Villain Team Up. DC Comics used to have Secret Society of Super Villains. Who'd like to see a villain comic again? ... Here's one, with a villain on a quest!

(signed) Scott Eiler, Publisher for Powernaut Comics, 1989.

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Did You Invite Me Here for Something?

Wikis! Auge von Shaitan


Doom Bear

Wait, I See Other Stuff Now

Bonus Section: 2005 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! Well, Yeah, the Doom Bear

Well, crap. The early 1990s turned out to be a power struggle among the U.S. Gov, Ellipsis, and the Doom Bear. I'm pretty amazed that Powernaut Comics claims to have the origins of *any* of this. But I can't say they're wrong.

I've visited the Canadian Arctic. So I recognize their alphabet. I see Auge von Shaitan is using actual Inuit words. The ones he's using, translate to "Summon Destiny Bear". The Inuit do not have a word for Doom. But the Doom Bear suddenly seems to want to meet the Great Bear of the Inuit lands... This certainly wouldn't be the first time an evil mage miscalculated and the rest of us had to live with the results.

Statistical Dead Heat

Farts or Aliens

I Never Said AGAINST...

Lots'a Doom for Everyone

Outcasts from Their Races

Bonus Section: 2005 Reprint Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson! The Doom Creatures

The Doom Creatures have shown up together on Earth since 1989. I think it was 1995 when they fought Total Conversion... In any case, the world knows those creatures. It might be useful to list them and their continents now. The creatures sometimes represent specific powers instead of just Doom; when known, this is listed. All their powers are at high superhuman levels, including the powers that come from their various species.

They all identify as cartoon animals. In three-dimensional form, they appear as living plushies. But they often take Earth animal forms.

  • The Doom Bear, for North America. Various evil powers. These include mental domination, energy bolts, and the summoning of storms. His natural form resembles a teddy bear from the 1960s.
  • The Cute Little Doom Pony, for Europe. Powers of a pony that breathes fire. His natural form resembles Pokey. His Earth form is a Shetland pony which breathes fire.
  • The Little Doom Lion King, for Africa. Powers of a lion, plus the ability to impose melancholy upon others.
  • The Doom Panda of Gravity, for Asia. Powers of a giant bear-like creature, plus mental domination and the ability to decrease or increase the force of gravity upon himself. He mostly resides in a Chinese zoo, where they bring in giant blocks of ice so he can keep his hindsides cold. He doesn't even need to use his mental domination for that.
  • The Doom Koala of Speed, for Australia. Super-speed.
  • The Doom Spider Monkey of Attitude, for South America. Probably the best mental domination ability of all the Doom Creatures. Also, the most agile and difficult to identify.
  • The Exploding Doom Penguin, for Antarctica. Explodes, and reforms their body afterward. Is not known to speak.

Each Doom Creature has a Doom Sense. They sense impending doom.

The creatures roam freely throughout the Earth. The Doom Pony has adopted humans in Afghanistan. The Doom Koala and Little Doom Lion King have done likewise in the United States.

All the Doom Creatures are male... except maybe the Doom Spider Monkey of Attitude and the Exploding Doom Penguin. We can't quite tell.

And So Will His Woman

Time to Chase the Doom Bear

Ah, My Targets


He Lodges in Pennsylvania

Author's Notes:

I would have guessed either Psychovant or Pizza Fu would have taken over Powernaut Comics first. But the Doom Bear is the senior character of those three, so he has more chances. And at least it still took a funny animal to do it.

I'd like for this Doom Bear episode to have been in 1990, so as to slavishly follow Marvel Comics which was bringing back villain comics then. The occasion was Thanos overflowing from a Silver Surfer plotline into his own villainous quest, which would eventually be the basis of the world's highest-grossing movie (or two) up to 2019. The Doom Bear has likewise overflowed Powernaut Comics. But he's on a timeline, so he has stuff to do later in 1990 - when Ellipsis shows up. And Christine Lassiter needs some time to get there too. Hence, Doom Bear 1989.

This episode has a bunch of other things to explain. For instance, presumably the Doom Bear (and the other Doom Creatures) had predecessors. Also, he took over the Happy Bear Land somehow. Also, he's awfully fixated on fire and ice. Well, here's where we get answers.

I've already incorporated realistic fire art into my comics, plus realistic cloud art which I photographed myself. Now I include realistic ice art which I photographed myself, at the great Greenland icecap in 1999!

As of mid-November 2019, I have completed and incorporated all artwork for the episode. So I feel confident in producing two strips a week until the episode is through, before end of year. I might even incorporate "modal" single strip displays soon (like Facebook has). Happy Holidays 2019!

(signed) Scott Eiler, 11 November 2019.

The whole series got done in six weeks, though it almost literally took a Christmas miracle to do it. Specifically, a certain Amazon shipping center decided it needed to give people the day off in the middle of peak shipping season. More time for Doom Bear Comics, then!

(signed) Scott Eiler, 16 December 2019.

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The Rest of the World: Wiki Home Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The Maker .

Some Earth maps in this story come from Wikipedia. They are used under Creative Commons license. They have been modified for color, annotations, and to fit the comic strip. Under the terms of the license, the modified versions of the maps (in this case, the panels with the maps) are free for reuse, as long as Powernaut Comics is credited. Powernaut Comics does not specifically endorse your reuse of these maps, and the originator did not endorse the maps seen herein.

The Doom Koala of Speed is a character of Vaughn Gross. The story, artwork, and all other characters in this fiction are copyright © 2019 by Eiler Technical Enterprises.