"Blog" is short for "Web log". Which is to say, an online diary.
The Domination of Eiler usually doesn't need an ongoing web log. However, there are special occasions where Domination conquests or other incidents inside the Core Territories are particularly worthy of note. For these occasions, the Domination has finally established a web log.
Like most blogs, the most recent episodes come first. Not quite like storytelling, eh?
In This Episode:
26 May 2006 |
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder vs. the Domination of Eiler Coming down after the Day of Glory. |
The Domination of Eiler has recovered from the Day of Glory festivities. The Domination Guard force mounted up (at an impressively early hour) on its mighty NARF-Cycle bike, to bring the Flagship automobile back home from the party site. After sundering its latest corporate alliance, the Domination of Eiler feels like it's just escaped a hostage situation in a dysfunctional family household. This sensation was so intense, the staff was at the point of hyperventilating in the afternoon.
Some of the captive allies have been observed sending e-mail from work, in the wee hours of the morning. The Domination only wishes it could have saved them too. But from this mighty mega-corporate enemy, it can only save the Domination Guard. |
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25 May 2006 |
The one most pivotal day in the Domination's history. |
After years of strategic planning, the Domination of Eiler has finally advanced to such a plateau of power, that it can declare freedom from long-term alliances with large corporate-sponsor entities. Most people call this place of power "contracting". The Domination of Eiler calls it "The Day of Glory".
The Domination of Eiler therefore hereby breaks alliance with its coalition partner "Some-Big-Company" on this day.
The Domination of Eiler is completely convinced this is absolutely the best thing that could happen. The Domination's main regret is, it couldn't have happened faster.
This day is the long-planned . It will be the central point in the history of the Domination of Eiler. After this day, all things are possible, and society will likely benefit from the Domination's new involvement in its affairs. In the short term: After a day for recovery, the Domination of Eiler moves out. Coming soon, the Lap Around Lake Michigan! In the long term: The future is wide open now. But these things are highly predictable:
Much more could be written about this. And much more will be... but only mixed up with fiction, so as to be deniable for the Domination's security reasons. This may make for some really entertaining fiction at the Domination's parallel-universe web log. The Domination of Eiler will almost certainly change its home base as part of this declaration. Whenever the Domination changes its home base, sad people are left behind. It happened when the Domination moved from Massachusetts to Illinois, and it's likely to happen again. The Domination is sad about it too. But...
All Hail the Day of Glory! All Hail the Domination! |
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20 May 2006 |
CPR Training and the Domination of Eiler The Domination is sanctioned for freelance emergency response. |
The Dominator finds it expedient for his engineering staff to stay certified to teach aerobics classes. That means, once every two years, the staff has to take a course in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. This year's class was courtesy of the Palatine-Illinois Park District and the American Red Cross. The Red Cross course goes four hours for adults, plus an optional extra hour to learn how to treat children, plus another for infants. The likelihood of the Dominator and his patrols willingly interacting with infants and children, is always vanishingly small. But the hearts of parents everywhere will still be warmed to find out, Domination staff certified in Adult CPR, then spent the extra two hours in training on behalf of all the Domination's larval-human citizens. And the Domination passed all the tests. Due to its sheer love of the children. Or something. The Domination of Eiler is therefore certified by the American Red Cross in Child and Infant CPR. There's a payoff for the Domination, of course. As a result of its extra training, the Domination of Eiler is now sanctioned to legally break a child's ribs under certain conditions.
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14 May 2006 | ||
Mother's Day vs. the Domination of Eiler One of the few holidays the Domination will not observe. | ||
Non-holiday checklist:
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3 May 2006 | ||
Tres de Mayo Observance, 2006 The Dominator's ceremonial birthday. | ||
Holiday checklist:
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1 May 2006 |
Fresh Beans vs. the Domination of Eiler A new kind of foodstuff submits to the Domination. |
One day, the Domination's Chief Nutritionist discovered that the Dominator's favorite brand of canned baked beans was loaded with salt. Another day, it was discovered that dried pink beans were 49 cents a pound on sale. So last weekend, the Domination of Eiler obtained two pounds of unbaked beans, had a cooking exercise, and produced enough baked beans for nine days of lunch. It's worked out pretty well so far. But the beans are drier and more crunchy than normal people are used to, probably because they're not soaked in salt brine to make them soft and absorbent. Oh well, all the better for the Dominator's colon. |
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20 April 2006 | |||
Mother's Day and the Hall of Sticks The Domination of Eiler stands up for motherhood, warm happy children, and its own woodcarving interests. | |||
The Domination of Eiler has a Woodcarving Directorate, more commonly known by its trade name "The Hall of Sticks". The Hall of Sticks actually makes some money for the Domination on occasion, as well as demonstrating the skill of the Domination's engineering force. As part of promoting the Domination of Eiler, the Hall of Sticks often rents sales tables or gives sticks for charity. To date, three different charities recognize the Hall of Sticks as a valuable fund-raising ally. One of those is the "Some Big Company" Pioneers. The Pioneers exist to do good works which promote their sponsor... much like the Hall of Sticks works to promote the Domination of Eiler. Today, the Pioneers asked the Hall of Sticks for a donation, in support of a Mother's Day raffle. Proceeds go to buy warm coats for children. Just in time for summer. Perhaps it pays to plan ahead. (If we're planning that far ahead, maybe the Domination should just ask its other allied charity "Home of the Sparrow" to shake some winter coats loose from summer storage. The Sparrow's thrift stores have almost too many winter coats to hold, and more arriving every hour, now that the Domination's citizens are cleaning out their closets for spring. But anyway...) Other people's kids are often major beneficiaries of the Domination's charity. It seems in modern society, parents often have too many children to maintain without help, and aren't in a good position to use the children for profit in the manner that previous generations did. In such cases, it's a matter of pride for the Domination to intervene. It's ironic that this particular bit of charity occurs for Mother's Day which the Domination does not support... but in the end, charity is charity, and the need is still there. So, the Domination of Eiler made its Woodcarving Directorate cough up one stick in support of motherhood, warm happy children, and world domination. This particular stick was a trophy of Operation Pride-of-Man, the Domination's New England operation of September 2004. This especially fits the doctrine of "Dom Shui", where Domination flows like water in waves to conquer, bring back trophies, and use the trophies for even more conquest. This trophy is is just especially conquersome. Or conqueriffic. Or whatever. All Hail Motherhood and the Domination of Eiler! | |||
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16 April 2006 |
The Easter Campaign of 2006 Not quite big enough to get its own web page like in 2005. But still worth noting. |
It's Eastertide again. And once again, the Domination of Eiler is supporting the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago-Illinois, Deanery of Elgin, Churches of Saint-Columba and Holy-Innocents, in the Easter maneuvers. Last year's web page makes a good generic Easter journal, much like the Domination's generic Xmas journal. If you want the complete account of Easter in the Domination, go there. If you want the differences for this year, stay here.
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13 April 2006 |
The Doctrine of "Dom Shui" A definite improvement upon "Feng Shui". Featuring the Dominator's Li'l Pals, Dufus and Dom! |
The Domination of Eiler has heard of the ancient Chinese knowledge of "Feng Shui". The phrase "Feng Shui" literally means "Wind / Water". Which is to say, "Feng Shui" started out as the eminently sensible practice of building one's house outside of flood and high wind zones. But more and more stuff got added onto that practice, until it became a list of rules of how to symbolically decorate one's household so as to channel and absorb life energy for the occupants' benefit. But the Domination of Eiler has its own source of life energy. That source, of course, would be the Dominator. And the source is continuously replenished by healthy, energy-rich food such as doughnuts and cheeseburgers. The Domination's problem is not how to absorb more life energy from wherever, it's how to channel the boundless energy the Domination already possesses. |
For this reason, the Domination of Eiler has begun to develop the doctrine of "Dom Shui". Which is to say, "Domination Flowing Like Water". For those citizens who would dare to live like a Dominator, this doctrine may be for you. Unlike "Feng Shui", "Dom Shui" does not require you divide your household into quadrants and decorate each quadrant accordingly. With these simple rules, your house can become a House of Dominance.
Just three rules. Pretty simple, huh? The Dominator may add onto this doctrine, as he gets around to remodeling the whole world. (For instance, "Dom Shui" has great applicability to local traffic patterns.) And he may remind people of the metaphysics of where the power of Domination ultimately comes from - besides cheeseburgers, that is. But for now, this should certainly suffice. |
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10 April 2006 |
The Declaration of Militia Day Welcome back to the bicyclists of the Domination of Eiler! |
The loyal bicycle militia of the Domination of Eiler came out today in force, to help the Domination Guard patrol the local bike trails. Coincidentally, it's finally sunny and 70 Fahrenheit degrees here in the District of Dominance near Chicago, Illinois, Domination of Eiler. The Domination Guard has been on bike patrol for over two months now, ever since Pavement Day when the snow first melted off the local bike trails. The Domination Guard rides on plowed roads practically year-round on its mighty NARF-Cycle, but Pavement Day is the official start of the Domination bike season. However, the Dominator has noted, normal people are less hardcore than the Domination Guard. It's worthwhile to note when their bikes come out for spring. Therefore, the holiday of Militia Day is hereby declared, as the first weekday every calendar year when lots of normal people ride their bicycles. This year that would be today, 10 April 2006. Welcome back, cyclists! Still, the Dominator has a fashion tip for about half the cycle-militia today. Proper bicycle uniform of the Domination of Eiler is street clothes, with maybe some biker boots to restrain the pants legs. Proper bicycle uniform is not silly biker tights. |
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2 April 2006 | ||
The Weather Goddess vs. the Domination of Eiler Who will win? | ||
In 2002, the Domination of Eiler established a Core Territory in the North Eileranian state of Illinois. Ever since then, Illinois has had a drought. Storm fronts often approach northern Illinois, but then dissipate. Apparently some mighty force is boiling the rain out of the sky before it dares strike Domination territory. Could that force be... Domination?
Whatever the Domination's rain-free force is, the Weather Channel is challenging it today. It's not just predicting rain here; it's sent a correspondent to Illinois to tell the world how much it's going to rain. Stephanie Abrams herself (the leading Weather Goddess, who usually chases hurricanes) has come out from her New York City (or is it Atlanta?) base (where she spent yesterday) to Springfield, Illinois, to cheer on a line of thunderstorms as it proceeds toward Core Territory!
... Well, the Domination of Eiler has to admit defeat here, because the storms have arrived in Scumburg-Illinois. Outside of Scumburg, they're calling this weather system "The Droughtbuster". Even here, the storms have brought some pretty lightning, and about ten minutes of heavy rain. The Domination Effect has sheltered the Core Territory and its citizens from tornadoes. But the One Maker's bounty of paper bags for charity is pretty much forfeit, unless the good citizens of the Domination all went out to harvest the bags while the sun was still shining. Still, the Domination will take what victories it can... because it has passed sentence upon the rebellious Weather Channel personnel.
Therefore, the Domination of Eiler sentences all Weather Channel personnel in Illinois tonight to spend the night in Springfield. The Dominator assures all readers, Sunday night in Springfield-Illinois is a thing both terrible and boring. But once the sentence is served, all is forgiven. Even if you can victoriously summon the storms and then survive their wrath, it can't be easy to be the Weather Goddess. | ||
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