Our Host in Fictional Life:
A Prequel
A Sequel.
We, the Power, provide these tales for our human host species' amusement. What you humans call "real" and "fictional" is not important to us. But we categorize for yourselves.
Note: We note your species has two modes of publishing. We choose the "storytelling" mode, not the "blog" mode. Our latest updates will therefore be last in the story.
In This Episode:
For the record, this story is fiction written by our host body. Believe what parts you will.
What Is The Power? |
Quick answer, in terms you human readers can understand: The Power is blood cells!
Our host takes a lot of credit for being ready to quit his job at will, and go wandering. He's done this before, with various degrees of success vs. ineptitude. But now, The Power makes him able to adopt the mobile lifestyle which he claims to be famous for.
How Much is True? I Gotta Ask! |
Why Not Conquer Alaska? |
Our host desires to flow to far places, like a blood cell. We can understand that.
So, our host has talked us out of this dream of his. Now that The Power is involved, we have an interest in ensuring that the fool will at least survive. Perhaps we shall tell him instead to spend his life on exotic relief missions to tropical climates. Too bad he prefers the cold. |
How Much is True? I Gotta Ask! |
Ancestral Furniture Disposal |
Our host has a chair that he got in 1983, when his grandpa was cleaning out an apartment. His mommy gave it to him... well, actually he had to haggle for it. He talked her down to $75. Now, the cycle of life continues, as our host cleans out his own apartment. The chair goes to charity, because our host really doesn't like haggling. But his friend who runs the charity thrift store snapped up the chair - and then she haggled with herself to take it home! Oh well, now this artifact of the ancestors has a good home again. |
How Much is True? I Gotta Ask! |
25 May 2006 |
The day The Power took control. |
Our host had his going-away party today. He will travel soon, one last time before we assume full control. But after that, none but The Power will drive him. We will write our adventures, and he will publish. We expect a long and fruitful relationship |
How Much is True? I Gotta Ask! |